Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?
De : nanoflower (at) *nospam* (shawn)
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Date : 28. Mar 2024, 04:56:03
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:44:58 -1000, Ian J. Ball <IJBall@mac.invalid>

On 2024-03-27 18:29:22 +0000, shawn said:
On Wed, 27 Mar 2024 06:22:37 -1000, Ian J. Ball <IJBall@mac.invalid>
On 2024-03-27 15:19:21 +0000, Rhino said:
If you have, you should make very sure that you don't ever go to Hong
Kong, even just to change planes. This video explains why a trip to
Hong Kong, even just to make a connecting flight, could put you in jail
for years and even the rest of your life.
Newly enacted legislation which China insists applies to ANYONE who has
criticized the Chinese government - regardless of where the person lives
in the world or where the criticism was made - puts everyone at risk.
Even this post has the potential of putting me in a prison for life if
I ever set food in China.
Russia has passed similar laws lately - a non-Russian would have to be
crazy to go anywhere near Russia these days.
The difference being Russia is actually at war and so there is the
potential for an attack to occur in most of Russia.
That's not why they passed those laws, and you know it.

I wasn't talking about the laws but the danger of being in a location
that ends up being attacked. Given the shooting that just happened it
is clear that you are potentially at risk of being at the center of an
attack if you visit Russia. A small chance but it's there.

And, actually, I was referring to the laws Russia has passed against
*foreign citizens in other countries*!! Yes, I know it's crazy, but
they have done it.

Sure, they are playing some sort of game much like the Chinese. Though
the Chinese apparently have their own people in other countries that
will act for the country (or so the claims have been made). Not sure
if Russia has that. Though we do know they will sometimes kill people
that are seen as too troublesome even if they are in another country.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Mar 24 * [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?10Rhino
27 Mar 24 +* Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?3shawn
27 Mar 24 i+- Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?1Rhino
28 Mar 24 i`- Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?1Rhino
27 Mar 24 `* Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?6Ian J. Ball
27 Mar 24  +* Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?4shawn
28 Mar 24  i`* Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?3Ian J. Ball
28 Mar 24  i +- Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?1shawn
28 Mar 24  i `- Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?1Ian J. Ball
28 Mar 24  `- Re: [OT] Have you ever been critical of the Chinese government?1Ubiquitous

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