Re: Some of the stupid people you can have in govt.

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Sujet : Re: Some of the stupid people you can have in govt.
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
Groupes :
Date : 28. Mar 2024, 10:30:49
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uu3lfd$3hd3s$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : WinVN 0.99.12N (x86 32bit) wrote:
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre became agitated during an
interview on Monday and hung up the phone after she was asked a couple of
fair questions about President Joe Biden.
KJP lost her cool during an interview with Charlotte's WBT News Director
Mark Garrison during a live radio interview after Garrison asked her about
Biden's mental fitness for office and the high costs of everyday products.
"When I told a number of people that I was talking to you today, it was
interesting, though, they all said, 'Would you please just ask her, does
the president have dementia?' So before I move on from that, does he?"
Garrison asked.
"That Mark, Mark, I can't even believe you're asking me this question.
That is a credibly offensive question to ask," she fired back.
"But you know people ask it," Garrison responded.
And why do they ask it? Because every week brings another example of him
being half-dead. We can see it with our eyes and no amount of
gaslighting from Biden's diversity-hire spokeshole will convince us
Wait. Oh let me-- no, no, no, no, no. You-- Mark, you, you, you, you,
you're taking us down this rabbit hole. Let me, let me, let me be very
clear about this," KJP responded. "For the past several years, the
president's physician has laid out very, in a comprehensive way, the
president's health," she said.
But every time he takes a physical, she's asked if he also took a mental
acuity test and she says no, because he doesn't need it.
So bringing up his physicals is a way of dodging the question. It
doesn't matter how good his heart is if his brain is Swiss cheese. And
the real reason they don't want him to take a mental acuity test is
because if he does, that becomes part of the official records and is
FOIA-able and the last thing they want is an official document making
the rounds that says he has the mind of a 5-year-old.
"This is a president-- if you watch him every day, if you really pay
attention to his record and what he has done, you will see exactly how
focused he's been on the American people
No, it means someone else in the White House-- probably his wife and
chief of staff-- have been focused while he sits in the corner slurping
pudding and watching the birds outside on the lawn.
And so I'm not even going to truly, truly, really, you know, take, take
the premise of your question. I think it is incredibly insulting. And and
so we can, you know, we can move on to the next question."
Garrison then mentioned the high costs of groceries and gas and asked how
does Biden win votes when people are struggling to make ends meet.
"Look, the president understands. He grew up in a middle-class family,
working class family in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He gets it," she claimed.
"He understands how difficult it is for Americans who are sitting around
their kitchen table every month trying to figure out what they're going to
pay for. You have to remember, when the president walked into this
administration, there were multiple crises happening. There was COVID,
there was, the economy was in a tailspin because of the last
administration, because of what President Trump left us with."
"Now you're asking me about gas prices," she continued. "The president
took action on gas prices. Let's not forget Russia's invasion on Ukraine
skyrocketed prices of gas. And because the president took action, we see
we are in a different place than we were a year ago in gas prices. Eggs,
milk, seafood products, all the important groceries, those costs have
gone down because of what this president has been able to do.
More gaslighting and outright lying. I was at the grocery store last
night and bought both eggs and milk. The prices have most certainly NOT
gone down. They were more expensive than ever. I bought six items, not
even enough to fill one paper bag, and the bill was north of $50.
And with that, thank you so much, Mark. Have an amazing, amazing day."
KJP then abruptly hung up the phone as the line went to a dial tone.
This is what this woman does all the time. If you ask her any question
that forces her to tell bald-face lies to cover for her boss, she just

She also does it whenever thin gs go off script, ie., she can't find the
answer in that big binder she carries with her to read from poorly.

Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Mar 24 * Re: Some of the stupid people you can have in govt.4Ubiquitous
27 Mar 24 `* Re: Some of the stupid people you can have in govt.3BTR1701
28 Mar 24  +- Re: Some of the stupid people you can have in govt.1Ubiquitous
28 Mar 24  `- Re: Some of the stupid people you can have in govt.1FPP

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