A Lert: The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)

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Sujet : A Lert: The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)
De : ahk (at) *nospam* chinet.com (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 31. Mar 2024, 19:37:10
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uuc706$1tss8$1@dont-email.me>
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In my opinion, this is the dullest, most ponderous of the big-budget
religious epics Hollywood produced during that period. I've seen it once
out of curiousity.

Is it worse than King of Kings (1961)? You decide.

If your curiousity isn't satisfied, it's on today, Easter Sunday, 2 pm

It's famous for, I guess, Telly Savalas first shaving his head to play
Pontius Pilate, and keeping the look for the rest of his career,
including Kojak.

Max von Sydow as Jesus (first English-language movie)
Dorothy McGuire as the Virgin Mary
Charlton Heston as John the Baptist
Claude Rains as Herod the Great
Jose Ferrer as Herod Antipas
Telly Savalas as Pontius Pilate
Martin Landau as Caiaphas
David McCallum as Judas Iscariot
Gary Raymond as Peter
Donald Pleasence as "The Dark Hermit"
Michael Anderson Jr. as James the Less
Roddy McDowall as Matthew
Joanna Dunham as Mary Magdalene
Joseph Schildkraut as Nicodemus
Ed Wynn as "Old Aram"
Sidney Poitier as Simon of Cyrene

Even the bit parts had huge stars. John Wayne plays a Centurion.

The director apparently stopped filming when all of the world's 70 mm
film was consumed. 6 million feet!

Adjusted for inflation, this was the most expensive American movie ever
made till that point.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 Mar 24 o A Lert: The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)1Adam H. Kerman

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