Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day

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Sujet : Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day
De : suzee (at) *nospam* (suzeeq)
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Date : 01. Apr 2024, 19:02:43
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On 4/1/2024 9:11 AM, Rhino wrote:
On Sun, 31 Mar 2024 21:58:31 -0000 (UTC)
"Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
That's right, children. This is the anniversary of Ferdinand and
Isabella signing the Alhambra decree, expelling the Jews of Spain from
their separate kingdoms, Aragon and Castille. March 31, 1492. Columbus
would set sail for, uh, India a few months later. Quite a few members
of his crew were Jewish.
I didn't know that several of the crew were Jewish. Mind you, I've
never seen very much detail on his voyages in any case. The mere fact
that the voyages were made and were successful is pretty much the only
thing that was said during my school days. (In those days, his voyages
were a triumph. Nowadays, of course, they are painted as this immense
100,000 expelled, 200,000 converted, after 50,000 had converted in the
decades after the massacre of 1391. Voluntary conversions, they were,
under penalty of death. Of course the Catholic monarchs didn't believe
them, hence the Spanish Inquisition. Nobody expects the Spanish
Were the Jews really better treated under the previous Muslim rule than
Catholic rule?
 From what I've read, yes. The muslims didn't always hate the jews as they have for the last 150 years or so. Christians however....

Show your love for religious tolerance by beating up a Jew today or,
better yet, celebrate Hamas's rape and torture of Israeli women on
October 7.
For those of you who believe the United States was founded as a
Christian nation and ignore the anti-Establishment Clause and Free
Exercise Clause in the constition, let me wish you could be put into
the Twilight Zone to enjoy 15th century Spain and the expulsion. As a
Writing from America from which we haven't been expelled.
 It seems clear to me that all the pro-Palestinian protesters since Oct.
7 would be more than happy to expel all the Jews from America - and
everywhere else really. For the moment, they'll settle for "from the
river to the sea" but it's clear that will never be enough. Eventually,
it will not just be from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea but
from EVERY river to EVERY sea. Islam wants to control the entire world.
Muslims see it as their "manifest destiny".

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 Mar 24 * Happy Alhambra Decree Day7Adam H. Kerman
1 Apr 24 `* Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day6Rhino
1 Apr 24  +- Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day1suzeeq
1 Apr 24  `* Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day4Adam H. Kerman
1 Apr 24   `* Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day3Rhino
1 Apr 24    `* Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day2Adam H. Kerman
2 Apr 24     `- Re: Happy Alhambra Decree Day1suzeeq

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