Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu

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Sujet : Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
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Date : 02. Apr 2024, 16:17:48
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uuh42c$3827p$>
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The Horny Goat <> wrote:
Sat, 30 Mar 2024 22:57:35 -0400, Rhino <>:

I've been amazed and deeply impressed at how the Israeli public,
especially those hating Bibi, have put their animosity on hold while
the current war is taking place. They may be counting
the minutes until the war is over so that Bibi can be dealt with but
they are "keeping their powder dry" until then. Or so it seems in the
things I've read and seen. Only Schumer seems to be trying to push
Israel into dumping Bibi now. 

A lot of that is due to the history of the Israeli prime minister
(Golda Meir) "walking the plank" after the war of 1973 which the
Israelis were the undeniable winner but had been caught completely
flat-footed at the beginning of the war.

Frankly I expect Bibi to go very soon after the shooting eventually

It's really not comparable. She never wanted to be prime minister. He
kept getting elected to deal with various serious escalations from the
Palestinians after Oslo failed to achieve much in the way of peace.

Instead, to get out of personal legal difficulty, he tried to put the
Supreme Court under Parliament, destroying it as an independent branch
of the government, which most Israelis would not stand for. It led to
resignations from the Reserves. It's Israel. This has never happened
before. Between that and distracting the Saudis from signing a peace
treaty, that's why Hamas chose that time to attack.

Meir's government missed signs of war preparations but she was not
accused of creating massive dissent within Israeli society to get out of
potential criminal charges.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 Mar 24 * Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu6Adam H. Kerman
31 Mar 24 `* Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu5Rhino
31 Mar 24  +* Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu2Adam H. Kerman
2 Apr 24  i`- Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu1Adam H. Kerman
2 Apr 24  `* Re: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu2Adam H. Kerman
2 Apr 24   `- Israel, was: Supreme Court hates Netanyahu1danny burstein

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