[OT] Our next prime minister's views on Israel

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Sujet : [OT] Our next prime minister's views on Israel
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* example.com (Rhino)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 02. Apr 2024, 22:56:55
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Based on the polls for the past year, there is little doubt that Pierre
Poilievre will be the next Prime Minister of Canada. He recently gave a
speech about Israel to a synagogue in Montreal which shares his views
on Israel and presumably anticipates what government policy will be
when he becomes PM.


A pretty reasonable set of principles in my opinion, with perhaps one
exception. I'm sad to see that he still supports a two-state solution,
an idea that seems completely unrealistic since the failure of the Oslo
Accords, but I suppose the idea of unconditionally supporting Israel is
a little too "out there" to be politically possible just yet.

Poilievre is clearly heading in the right direction, in sharp contrast
to Trudeau who is hewing ever closer to being an outright supporter of
Hamas and the other Iranian proxies.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 Apr 24 * [OT] Our next prime minister's views on Israel2Rhino
4 Apr 24 `- Re: [OT] Our next prime minister's views on Israel1Rhino

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