Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden

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Sujet : Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden
De : never (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 03. Apr 2024, 00:42:20
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17c297d328f5985e$80146$2218499$>
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On 4/2/2024 6:11 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article
  moviePig <> wrote:
On 4/2/2024 12:39 AM, BTR1701 wrote:
One of the most progressive and socially liberal schools in the country is
cultivating controversy as it faces accusations of racism after it
allegedly banned white residents from accessing a community farm on
Gill Tract Community Farm in nearby Albany has designated Saturdays
exclusively for use by 'Black, Indigenous, and People of Color' (BIPOC)
after a complaint was filed with the US Department of Education by the
Mountain States Legal Foundation. The move has been denounced by some
as an example of 'systemic racism'.
Gill Tract Farm was established in 2013 through a partnership between
UC-Berkeley and the local communities it serves as a site for urban farming
research. Part of the farm's ethos is to support the 'food justice'
movement by cultivating crops for healthy meals.
William Trachman, general counsel for the Mountain States Legal Foundation
has criticized the university's stance. "UC-Berkeley thinks that racial
segregation is progressive now, but it's no different than segregation of
the past," Trachman told the New York Post. "Preventing Caucasians from
accessing Berkeley's College of Natural Resources Farm on Saturdays is a
clear violation of Title VI, which bars educational institutions from
engaging in or allowing race discrimination."
Trachman is calling for a comprehensive investigation into all UC-Berkeley
programs to address what he has described as 'systemic racism'. UC-Berkeley
has said they were unaware of the discrimination complaint until being
contacted by the media.
"Saturdays are exclusively BIPOC. Exceptions have only been made for events
that are BIPOC-centered and with plenty of advance notice and planning," an
email sent by the garden's manager read. "I trust you stand in solidarity
with upholding boundaries around that safe and sacred space."
After being contacted about the allegations, a spokesperson for the
university denied all knowledge of the farm's special Saturday policy.
"The Gill Tract's website and calendar make no mention whatsoever of any
program or activity of the sort described in the complaint. Having said
that, the university takes complaints like this extremely seriously and
I can assure you that on Monday I will contact the appropriate people on
campus in an effort to determine what the facts are," UC-Berkeley
spokesman Dan Mogulof stated.
Stupid, but maybe too un-representative to prevail.
 Day after day comes incident after incident showing this sort of thing
is hardly unrepresentative. 'Progressive' leftism, particularly in
academia, is openly racist toward white people, and people like you,
Effa, and Hutt never condemn it. You just shrug and brush each one off
as an "isolated anomaly".
Well, I just now condemned it, and asked if it was an isolated anomaly.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 Apr 24 * Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden12moviePig
3 Apr 24 +- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1moviePig
3 Apr 24 +* Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden4FPP
3 Apr 24 i+- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1Ubiquitous
5 Apr 24 i+- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1shawn
5 Apr 24 i`- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1BTR1701
4 Apr 24 `* Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden6trotsky
5 Apr 24  +* Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden2moviePig
5 Apr 24  i`- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1FPP
5 Apr 24  +* Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden2FPP
5 Apr 24  i`- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1BTR1701
5 Apr 24  `- Re: UC Berkeley Bans White People from Community Garden1trotsky

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