Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)
De : arthur (at) *nospam* (Arthur Lipscomb)
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Date : 03. Apr 2024, 16:17:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 4/3/2024 5:50 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
On 4/3/24 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
What did you watch?
 Pretty full workday, so not much:
 soaps: Tues' ep's.
    DOOL - Yeah, Everett is definitely MPD - he undergoes hypnosis with Marlena, and sees "dark Everett/Bobby Stein" while under. It's unclear what happened to him to make him this way. Not much else happened this epie - just routine stuff with Stephanie/Chad, Harris/Ava and Chanel/Johnny.
    GH - Dex interviews to join the Port Charles police department, and is grilled pretty hard by the interviewer. Anna calls Jason in, and then confronts Agent Jagger in front of him, discovering that Jagger was going to go after Carly if Jason didn't cooperate and become an "asset" for Jagger - Please, may Jagger throw Carly in jail!! There was dumb stuff with Carly and marshmallow Willow talking about Jason and Drew... There was a really weird exchange between NuDrew and (Nu!)Nina - Is Nina wearing Drew down?! Are these two going to end up together?!! Aunt Stella catches Curtis standing on his own, and encourages him to share the news with Portia, which he does.
 Before I went to bed, I saw a Sonja Sohn-focused episode of "Will Trent", and then I saw a DOOL "stunt" episode of "The All New! NEW!! Weakest Link", but it must have been from ages ago, because 3 of the DOOL castmembers they had on "The Weakest Link" haven't been on the show in at least a year!! I didn't stick around to see who "won", but I assume it was Martha Madison (Belle).
This is a two day catch-up.  I watched:
Night at the Museum (blu-ray) 2006 comedy starring Ben Stiller as the new night security guard at the American Museum of Natural History who discovers all the exhibits come to life at night.  It's OK I guess.
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (blu-ray) 2009 sequel which has the exhibits moved to the Smithsonian along with the magical artifact that causes the exhibits to all come to life.  I haven't watched this since seeing it in the theater in 2009.  But I clearly remember I saw it in IMAX and every time Amy Adams who played Amelia Earhart was on the giant IMAX screen.
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (Disney+) 2014 sequel which has the exhibits moved to a museum in London.  More wackiness ensues.  This was my first time watching this one.  It was OK I guess.
The Equalizer - "The Whistleblower" - I mostly forgot what happened.
Family Guy - I caught up on the last two episodes.
The Truth vs. Alex Jones (HBO) This took me a few days to work my way through.  It's a very good documentary about the families whose young children were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary school and how Alex Jones *constantly* lied on his show about it, causing every kook in the country (and there are millions of them) who listened to his show to make the lives of the grieving parents a living hell.  There simply some people who live in an alternate reality and they will *not* be bothered by proof.  The documentary also details the families lawsuit against him and the two trials, one in Texas and one in Connecticut.  Even during the trials Jones couldn't help himself.  A couple of times it looked like the judge had seriously had enough of his nonsense and wanted to climb down from the bench and beat him herself.  I almost didn't watch this because I knew it would be painful to sit through, but it was very well done.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 Apr 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)5Ubiquitous
3 Apr 24 +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)3Ian J. Ball
3 Apr 24 i+- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)1Arthur Lipscomb
3 Apr 24 i`- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)1Dimensional Traveler
3 Apr 24 `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-02 (Tuesday)1BTR1701

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