Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants

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Sujet : Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 04. Apr 2024, 21:17:33
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In article <>,
 Rhino <> wrote:

On Thu, 4 Apr 2024 09:14:42 -0400
FPP <> wrote:
On 4/4/24 12:20 AM, shawn wrote:
On Thu, 04 Apr 2024 03:21:04 +0000, BTR1701 <> wrote:
Homeowners in the UK have been told that "compulsory selling of
home" will be enforced to house illegal migrants.
Elderly people are being told their houses are too big for them
and they need to sell so that illegal aliens can live in their
An elderly couple who had just moved into their �200,000 house
were horrified to receive a letter from their council suggesting
the property could be subject to compulsory purchase and used to
house asylum seekers.
Jose and Ted Saunders said they were 'insulted and shocked' when
the strongly-worded letter from North Northamptonshire Council--
which has never balanced its own books-- dropped on their mat last
It said their neat mid-terraced house in Rushden, near
Wellingborough, was deemed to be an empty property, or was
'derelict' and the council could even force them to sell it. 
That makes it sound like the letter was written before the home was
sold when it was empty and was sent after they moved in. Which would
be a much different story from people being forced out of their
homes for migrants.
'I couldn't believe it,' said retired carer Jose, 76. 'We moved to
Rushden to help provide childcare for my grand-daughter and found
this nice little place to live. The idea of forcing us to sell it
to make room for refugees and asylum seekers seems totally wrong.'

It was a simple mistake, for which they apologized.
But Thanny doesn't want you to know that because you won't be
outraged like he wants.
So you would happily give up your house if you got a letter like that
from your local government?

The mayor of L.A. has already taken over all the rec centers and city
sports fields for illegal aliens to live on. She's closed several
schools and sent the American citizen kids back home to do pandemic-like
Zoom school so that the illegals can live in their schools. And now
she's 'suggesting' that if you have extra rooms in your home, that you
should let illegals live with you.

How long before that ceases to be a suggestion and becomes an edict,
backed up by the power of eminent domain?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24 * Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants17shawn
4 Apr 24 +- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1NoBody
4 Apr 24 +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants14FPP
4 Apr 24 i`* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants13Rhino
4 Apr 24 i +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants2moviePig
5 Apr 24 i i`- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP
4 Apr 24 i +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants9BTR1701
5 Apr 24 i i`* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants8FPP
6 Apr 24 i i `* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants7super70s
6 Apr 24 i i  +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants2Dimensional Traveler
7 Apr 24 i i  i`- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1Adam H. Kerman
6 Apr 24 i i  `* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants4BTR1701
7 Apr 24 i i   +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants2trotsky
7 Apr 24 i i   i`- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1NoBody
9 Apr 24 i i   `- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP
5 Apr 24 i `- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP
5 Apr 24 `- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP

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