Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?

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Sujet : Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?
De : memyself (at) *nospam* (EGK)
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Date : 05. Apr 2024, 05:02:57
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On Thu, 4 Apr 2024 21:04:13 -0400, Rhino <>

On Thu, 4 Apr 2024 20:55:22 -0400
Robin Miller <robin.miller@invalid.invalid> wrote:
suzeeq wrote:
On 4/4/2024 1:00 PM, Robin Miller wrote: 
suzeeq wrote: 
On 4/4/2024 10:42 AM, Rhino wrote: 
I just watched the last episode of Season 3 of Resident Alien
and found myself wondering if that was a season finale or a
series finale? They certainly resolved *some* plot lines but
other things were left dangling.
I'm trying to find Robin's post where she laid out this week's TV
viewing and came up empty, thanks to the many weaknesses in
Claws Mail. She normally says if something is a series or season
Futon Critic says it hasn't yet been renewed for a fourth
season, which makes it sound like a fourth season is at least
possible. Does anyone know if a fourth season is desired by the
producers or has everyone already gone their separate ways?
I'm pretty sure it was season finale, but I could be mistaken. Oh
wait, let me check her FB post...
Nope didn't find it easily. Maybe anim knows when she posted it. 
Well, I'm here. I listed it as a season finale because The Futon
Critic doesn't have any info on season 4, yay or nay.
Here's a story from Syfy from yesterday:
Resident Alien Creator Explains the [Spoiler] Threat and Teases
More Alan Roles
At one point it says "Max (Judah Prehn) and Sahar (Gracelyn Awad
Rinke) have uncovered the ruse as he can see the true forms of
aliens, which means trouble for the town and the two kids in
Season 4," suggesting there will be a season 4.
But at another point the article says "As part of our exclusive
postmortem with Resident Alien showrunner Chris Sheridan, SYFY
WIRE asked if this means audiences should look forward to yet
another character for Alan Tudyk to embody if the show gets
another pickup? And the answer is, 'Yes!'," meaning that season 4
hasn't been ordered yet.
So I think not yet, but strongly possible is the answer.
Thanks, Robin. 
YW, suzeeq.
Much appreciated, Robin! Now I have at least *some* reason for optimism

I thought the show as pretty amusing but it's kinda run it's course I think.
that finale really tried to pack a lot into a single episode.  They jumped
around so quick and tried to get some time for everybody.  It was lucky
anyone could follow it.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24 * Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?9Rhino
4 Apr 24 `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?8suzeeq
4 Apr 24  `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?7Robin Miller
5 Apr 24   `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?6suzeeq
5 Apr 24    `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?5Robin Miller
5 Apr 24     `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?4Rhino
5 Apr 24      `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?3EGK
5 Apr 24       `* Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?2Rhino
6 Apr 24        `- Re: Resident Alien - season finale or series finale?1Loren

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