Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC

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Sujet : Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC
De : YourName (at) *nospam* (Your Name)
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Date : 06. Apr 2024, 00:29:39
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uupu0i$1kthk$>
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On 2024-04-05 22:23:46 +0000, Your Name said:

On 2024-04-05 21:52:38 +0000, Ian J. Ball said:
 As per Deadline:
 I imagine this will p*ss some people off, as the way I heard it the show ended on a cliffhanger.
 They usually do end like that when cancelled, rather than being able to reach a planned ending. If a show's fans are lucky, they do get a conclusion via a feature-length episode (or more than one) or via novelisations, but for most shows it is simply a case of "game over" and the show's makers move on to something else.
 Despite what some people in Hollyweird like to claim, a show's / movie's fans are completely irrelevant to anything, especially on regular TV where they aren't paying anything to watch it. It's solely about making money for the fat cats at the top - not "enough" money being made to satisfy them, and the show / movie gets cancelled.
Of course, it's no different in any other big business. The Sanitarium  company here in New Zealand is planning to stop making some of their breakfast cereals (and cut some jobs), mainly because they don't want to spend the money upgrading the equipment that makes it versus how much they make selling the cereal. Meanwhile the fat cats in management get bigger and bigger pay packets and bonuses.
Similarly, the government has told many of their organisations / departments that they need to save money, so some are firing actual workers rather than cutting the obscenely excessive management salaries and bonuses.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Apr 24 * News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC9Ian J. Ball
6 Apr 24 +* Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC3Your Name
6 Apr 24 i`* Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC2Your Name
6 Apr 24 i `- Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC1Rhino
6 Apr 24 +- Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC1EGK
6 Apr 24 +- Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC1Arthur Lipscomb
6 Apr 24 `* Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC3Adam H. Kerman
6 Apr 24  `* Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC2Ian J. Ball
7 Apr 24   `- Re: News: The All New! NEW!! QUANTUM LEAP Cancelled After 2 Seasons by NBC1Your Name

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