[OT] Housefather staying a Liberal

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Sujet : [OT] Housefather staying a Liberal
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* example.com (Rhino)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 06. Apr 2024, 05:41:26
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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I am disappointed to say that Anthony Housefather, a Jewish member of
the Liberal Party of Canada who voted against a motion critical to
Israel recently that was supported by most of his party, has opted to
stay in the Liberal Party rather than joining the Conservative Party.

He explains his reasoning in the video:

I was absolutely gobsmacked when he stated that one of his reasons for
staying with the Liberals was a desire to stay with a party that
believed in fiscal responsibility. Trudeau has been the exact OPPOSITE
of responsible since he was first elected in 2015!  Trudeau actually
declared during his 2015 campaign that "budgets balance themselves"
(without human intervention apparently), pledged to run small deficits
for a couple of years, then generate surpluses after that, all promises
he broke shamelessly. And this was all BEFORE Covid struck and really
opened the floodgates of government expenditure and civil service
growth! Even now that we are past Covid, he's going on a major spending
spree for the last year of his current mandate to try to woo back
voters who are leaning very sharply to the Conservatives. To call
Trudeau or his enabler Chrystia Freeland, the Finance Minister,
fiscally responsible is to make a mockery of those words.

Apparently, Trudeau persuaded Housefather that he - Housefather - would
have a major national role in combatting anti-Semitism in the coming
months. I'm going to be VERY surprised if a party that listens to its
Muslim members a lot more than its secular or Jewish members, is going
to make anything but a token effort in this regard. I'm very
disappointed in Housefather for being finessed like this.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Apr 24 o [OT] Housefather staying a Liberal1Rhino

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