Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"

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Sujet : Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"
De : gmsingh (at) *nospam* (trotsky)
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Date : 06. Apr 2024, 11:26:27
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17c3a6b6f4d7b764$3383$1100308$>
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On 4/5/24 2:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
FPP <> wrote:
On 4/4/24 9:22 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uunf55$v0c0$>, FPP <>
On 4/4/24 4:02 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uumno6$p8sf$>,
Ubiquitous <> wrote:
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel said he's looking at America in a new light
after a recent visit to Japan.
The 56-year-old said his trip abroad made him realize that the U.S. is
unsanitary compared to the land of the rising sun.
"After traveling to Japan, I realize that this place, this USA we're
chanting about, is a filthy and disgusting country," he said during his
monologue on Monday night's episode of "Jimmy Kimmel Live."
I agree with him. My trip to Tokyo was an eye-opener. I've never seen a
city so clean and beautiful with pleasant, polite, happy people
everywhere you go. Its only drawback was that-- of all the places I've
been around the world-- it's one of the harder cities to get around and
function in if you don't speak the language. I thought at the time that
if I spoke and read Japanese, I'd consider living in Tokyo for good if I
Coming back to the shit-pile Los Angeles has become in just the last 10
short years was very disheartening.
It's no surprise it would be especially noticeable to Kimmel, whose
show's home is in an old Masonic temple right across Hollywood Blvd from
the Chinese Theater and the Hollywood-and-Highland Complex, where
fentanyl addicts stagger around like WALKING DEAD extras, crime is out
of control, vagrants tents and trash mountains abound, and dead bodies
lying on the sidewalk are a routine occurrence.
Coming back to that from Japan would be quite a contrast indeed.
Japan's taxes vs US are generally considered to be pretty high.
At least the citizens of Japan get value in return for their taxes.
I live in the highest tax state in the union and when we call the cops
for things like a vagrant openly masturbating in a park while watching
kids, the response is "there's nothing we can do".
Betcha that doesn't happen in Japan.
When businesses are run into the ground by repeated break-ins and the
fact that customers can't even get into their front doors anymore
because there's a tent and trash mountain and meth addict face-down in a
puddle of his own vomit blocking them, if they get any response from the
city council besides a bored shrug, they're told "there's nothing we can
Betcha that doesn't happen in Japan.
Over and over, crime after crime... "There's nothing we can do. Now shut
up and give us more tax money."
So you'd be OK with higher taxes to fix our problems at home, right?
Except I already pay higher taxes and the problems only get worse here.
Over the last three years the people of L.A. County were taxed more than
$3 billion "to fight homelessness". At the end of that three years, with
three billion of our tax dollars gone, what was the result?
Homelessness has increased by 32%.
Of course things get worse here. One party has been in control of one
house of Congress, and hasn't addressed a single problem.
 Congress has nothing to do with the shitpiles California's cities have
 One party (Democrats) has been in control of the state of California for
the last three decades and has overseen its slide into a garbage pit. And
it's not even just negligence. In most cases, the government has been an
active and enthusiastic participant in the destruction.
While still being an idiot, you bring up a great point.  We--you especially--are in need of a civics lessen.  What things are done at the federal level, the state level, and the municipal level?  Methinks keeping a city or township clean is done at the municipal level primarily.  A state could have an initiative to have these things done throughout the state, but I find that this would be unlikely.  Meanwhile your incessant whining and idiocy on the subject hasn't really made anything in the realm of facts at all forthcoming.  Hope this helps.

You get that the people in your party aren't interested in doing
anything to better your life.
 Everything that comes out of the L.A. city council, the L.A. board of
supervisors, and the state assembly in Sacramento not only doesn't make my
life better, it's frequently specifically designed to make my life worse in
favor of illegals, criminals, and vagrants.
 That's Democrats in action.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24 * Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling To Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared To The Japanese"59Ubiquitous
4 Apr 24 `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"58BTR1701
4 Apr 24  +* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"4shawn
4 Apr 24  i+- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1BTR1701
5 Apr 24  i`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"2Rhino
5 Apr 24  i `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1shawn
5 Apr 24  +* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"35FPP
5 Apr 24  i+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"11BTR1701
5 Apr 24  ii+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"5Rhino
5 Apr 24  iii+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"2moviePig
5 Apr 24  iiii`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1FPP
5 Apr 24  iii+- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1FPP
6 Apr 24  iii`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
5 Apr 24  ii+- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1Adam H. Kerman
5 Apr 24  ii+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"3FPP
6 Apr 24  iii+- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
6 Apr 24  iii`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
6 Apr 24  ii`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
5 Apr 24  i`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"23super70s
5 Apr 24  i `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"22BTR1701
5 Apr 24  i  +* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"20FPP
5 Apr 24  i  i+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"7Rhino
5 Apr 24  i  ii+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"3BTR1701
6 Apr 24  i  iii+- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
8 Apr 24  i  iii`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1FPP
8 Apr 24  i  ii`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"3FPP
8 Apr 24  i  ii `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"2moviePig
9 Apr 24  i  ii  `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1FPP
5 Apr 24  i  i+- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1Ubiquitous
5 Apr 24  i  i+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"10moviePig
5 Apr 24  i  ii`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"9BTR1701
6 Apr 24  i  ii +* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"7moviePig
6 Apr 24  i  ii i`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"6BTR1701
6 Apr 24  i  ii i `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"5moviePig
6 Apr 24  i  ii i  `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"4BTR1701
7 Apr 24  i  ii i   `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"3moviePig
7 Apr 24  i  ii i    `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"2moviePig
7 Apr 24  i  ii i     `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1BTR1701
6 Apr 24  i  ii `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
6 Apr 24  i  i`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
6 Apr 24  i  `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
5 Apr 24  `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"18Rhino
5 Apr 24   +* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"13moviePig
5 Apr 24   i+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"5BTR1701
5 Apr 24   ii+* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"2shawn
5 Apr 24   iii`- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1moviePig
6 Apr 24   ii`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"2trotsky
8 Apr 24   ii `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1Ubiquitous
5 Apr 24   i`* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"7Rhino
5 Apr 24   i `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"6moviePig
6 Apr 24   i  `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"5Rhino
6 Apr 24   i   `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"4moviePig
6 Apr 24   i    `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"3BTR1701
7 Apr 24   i     +- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1moviePig
7 Apr 24   i     `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1trotsky
5 Apr 24   `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"4shawn
5 Apr 24    `* Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"3Adam H. Kerman
5 Apr 24     +- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1shawn
5 Apr 24     `- Re: Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA "Filthy And Disgusting" After Traveling to Japan: "We Are Like Hogs Compared to the Japanese"1moviePig

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