Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants

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Sujet : Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 07. Apr 2024, 01:17:19
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uusl5v$2buih$>
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Dimensional Traveler <> wrote:
On 4/5/2024 5:58 PM, super70s wrote:

. . .

Apparently the big cities receiving all those immigrants being shipped
involuntarily from Red states actually have fewer immigrants committing
crimes than the places they are being shipped from.

We got a measles outbreak and spend something like $40 million a month
and it's been going on since the last mayor. It's been horribly
horribly mismanaged and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

The immigrants probably didn't get measles till some unvaccinated child
picked it up from school. They were vulnerable to measles because
Venezuala's public health system had broken down, like everything else
in that shithole country, not to mention the distances they'd travelled
and harsh conditions they'd endured.

The shelter in question was an industrial building, not intended for
people to live there, and it was horribly overcrowde. In the meantime,
Chicago public schools were failing to enforce state law. Children are
required to show vaccination certificates by October of the first school
year they enroll. This was months later and there had been no follow
through what with all the children who hadn't been vaccinated.

Now, if you were the public health director to a mayor who agreed to
receive immigrants who had travelled thousands of miles and were going
to house them in overcrowded conditions, what is the first thing you'd
have told the mayor to do?

As far as crime, I've told this story on Usenet. The first groups of
migrants were housed in the lobbies of police stations. When Richard
M. Daley was mayor, he replaced most of the police stations with a new
design that would have enormous lobbies as places to put poeple in an
emergency after some huge disaster. There was a group of migrants
committing crime. They kept returning to the police station to sleep.
Finally, some cop recognized them from descriptions and arrested them.
That's likely to happen at a police station.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24 * Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants17shawn
4 Apr 24 +- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1NoBody
4 Apr 24 +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants14FPP
4 Apr 24 i`* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants13Rhino
4 Apr 24 i +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants2moviePig
5 Apr 24 i i`- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP
4 Apr 24 i +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants9BTR1701
5 Apr 24 i i`* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants8FPP
6 Apr 24 i i `* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants7super70s
6 Apr 24 i i  +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants2Dimensional Traveler
7 Apr 24 i i  i`- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1Adam H. Kerman
6 Apr 24 i i  `* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants4BTR1701
7 Apr 24 i i   +* Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants2trotsky
7 Apr 24 i i   i`- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1NoBody
9 Apr 24 i i   `- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP
5 Apr 24 i `- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP
5 Apr 24 `- Re: Brits Told Their Homes Will Be Compulsorily Sold to Be Given to Immigrants1FPP

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