Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)
De : ijball (at) *nospam* mac.invalid (Ian J. Ball)
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Date : 08. Apr 2024, 14:41:02
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On 4/8/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:

What did you watch?
Grading, etc. yesterday, so not that much:
Night Court (2023) (Peacock) - "A Crime of Fashion" (ep. #2.7). I don't think it's my imagination - I think this show is improving. I don't remember the specific gags, but again there were at least a couple of gags that "landed" will in this episode too. That's better than the earlier episodes which were pleasant, if not consistently funny.
    In this one, Kunal Nayyar (from TBBT) guest stars as a mercurial fashion designer (prev. episode took place during NYC Comic-Con; this one takes place during "Fashion Week") whom Abby falls for and has an affair with. Meanwhile, Dan defends an imperious fashionista (old hand Jenifer Lewis), who promises to teach Dan her ways of intimidating people if Dan gets her charges dropped. Olivia can't get a dry cleaner for her work clothes due to fashion week. Wyatt is disrupted by all of the fashionistas in the court, with Gergs looking on.
    As always, the stories were mostly "meh" (I liked Dan's plotline), but they got in at least a couple of good gags, including one with a peacock!
golf - Well, that was a letdown...
    Denny McCarthy (a contemporary of Jordan Spieth and Justin Thomas), who has not managed to win a PGA tourney yet, managed to surge on the last day, catching up to newbie Akshay Bhatia, whom I thought had an insurmountable lead from Day 3. McCarthy birdied the last hole, and forced a playoff!
    But, on the first hole of the playoff McCarthy hits into the water, which pretty much hands the win to Bhatia (who birdied the first playoff hole anyway). Quite the letdown of an outcome.
soaps: GH - Fri's ep. They had been setting this up even before they deep-sixed Lexi Ainsworth off the show - but in this one, Josslyn and (Nu)Kristina really get into it after Joss trash-talks Sonny (deservedly). Even NuNuNuMolly and Carly(!) were kind of appalled by Josslyn's antics! Sonny continues to make-nice with Booby Vista (did they really just bring her on the show to put her together with Sonny?!), which Lois doesn't approve of (as she doesn't like Booby Vista's character). Later, Booby Vista has a meeting with Brook Lynn about Blaze's career, and Brook Lynn holds her ground against the "stage mother". Dante comes home to a welcome home celebration. Agent Jagger(/John) confronts NuDrew about Jason in front of Jordan, and Drew basically tells Jagger to shove it! In the best bit, Anna meets with former FSB-head John Brennan in the prison about Pikeman - Brennan probes Anna, and claims he was "framed" (we know this isn't true), but won't reveal any Pikeman intel to Anna.
And that was it. Otherwise, I had Lifetime/LMN movie reruns on in the background while I did stuff. I recorded "A Model Murder", and another flick I had missed during my trip, for later viewing...
What did you watch?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 Apr 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)5Ubiquitous
8 Apr 24 `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)4Ian J. Ball
8 Apr 24  +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)1Dimensional Traveler
8 Apr 24  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)2Arthur Lipscomb
8 Apr 24   `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-07 (Sunday)1Adam H. Kerman

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