Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...

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Sujet : Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 08. Apr 2024, 22:08:08
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In article <uv0vg6$3hsmc$>, FPP <>

On 4/5/24 3:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
FPP <> wrote:
On 4/4/24 8:50 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uuneea$uqll$>, FPP <>
On 4/4/24 3:13 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uum8rd$ln18$>, FPP <>
On 4/3/24 11:11 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
Ayisha Siddiqa (@Ayishas12), a climate adviser for the UN.
She claims the "white man" and "capitalism" are responsible for
bringing life to "the verge of extinction" and calls white men
killers, looters, and abusers. Her account is filled with hateful
anti-white posts.
Apparently, it's totally fine to be disgustingly racist against
white people if you work at the United Nations.
Why are we funding these racist clowns with our tax dollars? The
United States should simply withdraw from the U.N., send these
bigoted assholes back to their shithole countries, and retrofit
U.N. Plaza to house our homeless veterans.
Libs of Tik Tok. That's all I need to say.
Because posting other people's self-owns somehow invalidates those
Posting racists and book banners, you mean.
Ayisha Siddiqa is a racist, I'll grant you, but what books has she
"Raichik has left up scores of tweets denying the existence of systemic
Cool. Now answer the question I asked.
The day after Juneteenth 2021, Raichik�s account posted a
callout to her followers, asking them to reply with one word and she
would try to find a video saying why that word is racist.
So she finds various videos from leftists claiming almost any word you can
think of is racist and she's racist for posting them?
Oooo-kay, Jan.
She's racist because she holds racist opinions.

So now you're a racist if you don't automatically agree with whatever
racism claims leftist make? That's in an interesting take. Insane, but

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24 * Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...16FPP
4 Apr 24 +* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...14BTR1701
5 Apr 24 i`* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...13FPP
5 Apr 24 i `* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...12FPP
5 Apr 24 i  `* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...11BTR1701
6 Apr 24 i   +- Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...1trotsky
8 Apr 24 i   `* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...9FPP
8 Apr 24 i    +* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...2Adam H. Kerman
8 Apr 24 i    i`- Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...1Adam H. Kerman
8 Apr 24 i    +* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...5BTR1701
9 Apr 24 i    i`* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...4FPP
10 Apr 24 i    i `* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...3FPP
10 Apr 24 i    i  `* Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...2BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i    i   `- Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...1FPP
9 Apr 24 i    `- Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...1FPP
5 Apr 24 `- Re: Meet U.N. "Climate Advisor" Ayisha Siddiqa...1trotsky

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