Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered

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Sujet : Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered
De : ahk (at) *nospam* chinet.com (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 09. Apr 2024, 18:22:22
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uv3pvt$asvs$1@dont-email.me>
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
Civilian Office of Police Accountability (a city agency that investigates
police) just released video of a shooting on March 21 on the west side
of Chicago. The driver of a vehicle pulled over for a traffic stop,
a 26 year old man, is dead. Police say he shot first (not clear from
provided video); four officers fired. One police officer was hit in the
forearm. There is video from a neighbor's surveillance camera that
implies that the officer, on the passenger side of the vehicle, was hit.

The office recommends relieving police officers who shot at the man of
powers during the investigation. I think that means full suspension with
pay, not just desk duty.

Now, for a traffic stop, the vehicle was surrounded by multiple tacticle
officers. This makes no sense. Clearly, police identified the vehicle
and, because he had pending gun charges (no state ID and no state
concealed carry permit), I'm guessing they wanted to perform a search to
see if he was still carrying. Among the gun charges from having been
found with a gun at a major picnic was "unlawful use" despite not
threatening anyone.

He also had a retail theft charge but that was dropped, implying there
was no gun use.

I don't know what orders police had already given the driver that we can't
tell from this one video, but he was ordered to roll down his window,
which he did but he rolled it back up again part way. He was also ordered
to roll down a rear window, which we don't see. He was also ordered to
unlock the doors and open them, which he did not do. Then we hear gunshots,
lots of gunshots.

It seems to me that they were already proceeding to take him into
custody before we see this video's footage. If it were an ordinary
traffic stop, you hand over required ID and proof of insurance as
ordered by the officer, but the purpose of rolling down the window is to
allow the officer to visually search, and that gets into the rules of
reasonable suspicion and probable cause. The driver has civil rights
against warrantless search to assert.

The traffic stop was for a seat belt violation?



Video from neighbor with audio

The videos have links to other related videos. I haven't gone through
them all.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Apr 24 * Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered9Adam H. Kerman
9 Apr 24 +* Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered3BTR1701
9 Apr 24 i+- Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered1Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 i`- Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered1Ubiquitous
10 Apr 24 +* Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered2Ubiquitous
10 Apr 24 i`- Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered1Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 +* Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered2shawn
10 Apr 24 i`- Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered1BTR1701
17 May 24 `- Re: Police shooting videos leaves questions unanswered1Adam H. Kerman

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