Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"

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Sujet : Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 09. Apr 2024, 22:33:36
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Tue, 09 Apr 2024 18:26:32 +0000
BTR1701 <> wrote:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Congress's resident moron,
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (D):
The moon is "made up mostly of gases" so we can soon live inside it,
unlike the sun which is "almost" too hot to go near.
Apparently, her ignorance of astronomy is as profound as her ignorance
of pretty much everything else. She reminds me of the meme of AOC
wanting to send a NASA mission to the sun but to avoid getting burned
up by going at night.

If Jackson-Lee could actually read, I'd be inclined to send her
something basic like the Wikipedia article on the moon. (Hmm, maybe one
of her staff could read it to her?) She would be surprised to learn
that the moon has huge temperature extremes making it very difficult to
live there. She'd be even more astonished to learn that, despite all
these gases she imagines, that the moon has no atmosphere of any kind,
which tends to make breathing difficult.

This is a senior member of Congress. Houston sure is being well
represented, isn't it? It's a wonder this woman's brain even has the
power to keep her breathing.
She's one of those people that I label as having an IQ equal to their
shoe size, along with the cabinet of the federal Liberal government in
this country.

Keep in mind that this Mensa genius is also famous for asking the NASA
director why he didn't land the Mars rover closer to where the
astronauts landed in the 60s so we could see the relics of the
original space program.
Hey, the Moon is a planet(oid) and Mars is a planet and they both start
with "M". Obviously, they are one and the same thing!

She also notably claimed that "The United States has been operating
under the Constitution for the last 400 years."
Clearly, she's talking about the Constitution the Pilgrims brought with

She's also the one who claimed it was racist that there were no
hurricanes with "black-sounding names". I guess she wanted a
Hurricane Tyrone or a Hurricane LaQueesha. Of course if NOAA *had*
been giving hurricanes black-sounding names all along, Jackson-Lee
would complain that's also racist, to name storms that wreak mass
destruction after black people.
And 'memba when she was talking about gun control and downloaded this
amazing turd into the bowl:
She's apparently heard some of these terms but hasn't connected them to
to real devices. I suspect someone showed her the standard Army
machine gun, which I believe is a .50 cal weapon, and somehow she
concluded that this was an AR rifle. (If I'm not mistaken, the .50 cal
machine guns usually have two man crews because carrying the weapon,
its base, and its ammo is too much for one man alone to handle.) Maybe
someone told her it was an AR, perhaps to see if she would echo this
later, or maybe she concocted this idea in her own microscopic brain.

Apparently I'm a lot stronger than I thought because my AR weighs as
much as ten moving boxes and yet I can easily carry it in one hand.
Oh, and I've apparently been using the wrong ammo. I should really
stop using the .223 rounds that seem to have worked fine all this
time and start using the .50-cal rounds that Sheila says my rifle
naturally uses. It'll be a challenge, though, since jamming a .50-cal
cartridge into the rifle will be like trying shove a tennis ball
through a garden hose.
And any time you point out her calamitous stupidity, Jackson-Lee
claims it's just a racist attempt to make a proud and successful
black woman look stupid.
No, Sheila, you do a fine job of making yourself look stupid without
any help from racists or anyone else.
That's for sure!

The woman has an IQ of a turnip but she keeps getting re-elected
because her district was gerrymandered by Democrats to ensure no one
of a lighter skin-tone ever has a chance of winning.
I'm amazed that her constituents don't vote her out due to overwhelming
embarrassment that she is their representative. There must be any
number of smarter blacks that would inevitably do a better job than her.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Apr 24 * The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"16BTR1701
9 Apr 24 +* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"4shawn
9 Apr 24 i+- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1Rhino
10 Apr 24 i`* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"2BTR1701
10 Apr 24 i `- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1shawn
9 Apr 24 +* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"4Rhino
9 Apr 24 i`* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"3moviePig
10 Apr 24 i `* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"2Rhino
10 Apr 24 i  `- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1moviePig
10 Apr 24 +- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1FPP
10 Apr 24 +* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"3Ubiquitous
10 Apr 24 i+- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1Ubiquitous
10 Apr 24 i`- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1Adam H. Kerman
10 Apr 24 `* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"3super70s
11 Apr 24  `* Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"2FPP
13 Apr 24   `- Re: The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is Made of Gases"1trotsky

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