Re: Sunny Hostin: Eclipse, Cicadas, and Earthquake Proves Climate Change

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Sujet : Re: Sunny Hostin: Eclipse, Cicadas, and Earthquake Proves Climate Change
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 09. Apr 2024, 23:10:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Tue, 09 Apr 2024 18:42:02 +0000
BTR1701 <> wrote:

Wow, this is a real Mensa meeting, isn't it?
An eclipse is evidence of climate change, is it, Sunny?
Somehow my SUV is not only warming the ocean, but now it's reaching
out among the stars to influence the movement of the moon and sun?
I've heard more intelligent conversations between kindergartners.
Who actually WATCHES these morons? Are people just watching to see what
idiocy they're going to spout next or do some viewers actually find
them wise or insightful or whatever?

This White House made an abortive attempt to set up a body to block
mis- and disinformation which, thankfully, died very very quickly
before it could really get started. But looking at these morons on The
View, I'm *almost* tempted to think that body should be revived so that
they could keep nonsense like The View off the air. (Not that they
actually WOULD keep it off the air since these are good Democrats
spouting the approved talking points.)

The notion that eclipses and climate change are related is just
bizarre. Eclipses have been happening as long as the Earth, Moon, and
Sun have been in existence. Every once in a while the Moon is in just
the position it was in yesterday: directly between (some spots on) the
Earth and the Sun. I believe the current prevailing theory is that the
Moon was essentially ripped out of the Earth 4.5 billion years ago
after a collision with a Mars-sized planet. In that immense time, there
have been many millions of eclipses, the vast majority of them having
taken place long before anything you would call human stood on this
planet. Blaming eclipses on climate change - or vice versa - is just


Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Apr 24 * Re: Sunny Hostin: Eclipse, Cicadas, and Earthquake Proves Climate Change2Rhino
10 Apr 24 `- Re: Sunny Hostin: Eclipse, Cicadas, and Earthquake Proves Climate Change1BTR1701

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