Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"

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Sujet : Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"
De : plutedpup (at) *nospam* (Pluted Pup)
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Date : 09. Apr 2024, 23:39:19
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User-Agent : Hogwasher/5.24
Rogan responded, "Well, it is the show that people love to hate. They
get so
much hate-watching and hate-watching viral clips of them saying
things. I mean, it is a rabies-infested henhouse."
Best description of THE VIEW I've ever heard.
I find myself wondering how much horse paste he snarfed up before saying
Though biologically inaccurate, "rabies-infested henhouse" is a good
enough line that he shouldn't have tried to pretend it was ad-libbed.

Actually any warm blooded animal can contract rabies,
even birds.

But yes, it is inaccurate to call them hens, fowl
don't have TV shows.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Apr 24 * Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"14Ubiquitous
5 Apr 24 +* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"11BTR1701
6 Apr 24 i`* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"10trotsky
6 Apr 24 i +* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"6NoBody
6 Apr 24 i i`* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"5moviePig
7 Apr 24 i i +* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"2NoBody
8 Apr 24 i i i`- Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"1NoBody
7 Apr 24 i i `* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"2moviePig
8 Apr 24 i i  `- Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"1Ubiquitous
6 Apr 24 i `* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"3moviePig
9 Apr 24 i  `* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"2Pluted Pup
10 Apr 24 i   `- Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"1shawn
6 Apr 24 `* Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"2NoBody
8 Apr 24  `- Re: Joe Rogan Blasts ABC's "The View": "It Is A Rabies-Infested Henhouse"1Ubiquitous

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