Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?

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Sujet : Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?
De : YourName (at) *nospam* (Your Name)
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Date : 10. Apr 2024, 00:05:11
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uv4e2m$fvco$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-04-09 13:59:52 +0000, FPP said:
On 4/8/24 11:02 AM, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
On 4/7/2024 11:41 PM, Your Name wrote:
On 2024-04-08 00:51:09 +0000, shawn said:
On Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:30:46 +0000, BTR1701 <> wrote:
 America Solar Eclipse Warning
 - frequently top up your gas tanks
- charge your electric car
- have a preparedness kit
- items like paper maps, snacks, drinks and cellphone chargers
- have a communications plan
- know where to take shelter if there's an event
- having these conversations ahead of time is important
 All this just for a shadow? Is this just one massive psyop or do they know
 Clearly they are worried about the mobs going mad if the sun
disappears, for fear that the sun will never appear again.
 There are some American dumb enough to still believe the Eart is flat and numerous other idiotic conspiracy nutter ideas that any sane person would dismiss in seconds.
 A member of the US Congress made a public statement that the eclipse and earthquake in the northeast were signs from God that Americans need to straighten up and fall in line....
 But the Pandemic that started (and was made exponentially worse by Herr Trump) killed a million Americans - and that's not a sign.
It was definitely a sign ... a sign (yet another one) that Trump the Chump is a simply a complete moron, but everyone with more than half a braincell already knew it way before that.  :-)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 Apr 24 * Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?8shawn
8 Apr 24 +* Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?2Ian J. Ball
8 Apr 24 i`- Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?1shawn
8 Apr 24 `* Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?5Your Name
8 Apr 24  `* Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?4Dimensional Traveler
8 Apr 24   +- Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?1moviePig
9 Apr 24   `* Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?2FPP
10 Apr 24    `- Re: Eclipse Emergency Plans?1Your Name

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