Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"

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Sujet : Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 11. Apr 2024, 17:03:55
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On 4/10/24 4:17 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uv6gvu$1323h$>,
  "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
Another post from someone too stupid to use a kill file.
 Exactly. Much like Effa, "super70s" can't stand me but he'll read
everything I write when a simple killfile will remove me from their
lives completely. They're my biggest fans!
April highlights:
The Stupidest Member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D): "The Moon is
Made of Gases"
Gosh, but I don't see how it's good politics to defend her. She can be
quite vile at times, or are you pretending you are unaware of the
incident in which she had an airline bump a passenger who had paid for a
First-Class ticket from her seat?
 Oh, wow. I don't remember that particular Jackson-Lee nugget. Completely
on-brand for her arrogant ass, though.
InstaCart Delivery Guy Shoots and Kills One of Angie Harmon's Dogs
That was a criminal act. Also, he was using someone else's identity to
get paid from InstaCart, and we still don't know if the woman he
impersonated is alive and unharmed.
 Also, Harmon is a TV actress, so it's on-topic for the group.
 I guess "super70s" is confused and thinks this newsgroup is
 Although I'm not quite sure how posting an article about an actress's
dog being shot by a deliveryman is "right-wing" in the first place. Is
he suggesting that people on the left are totally cool with murdering
What's right wing or left wing about being against crime?
 Yes, the idea of locking up criminals used to just be common sense. Now
putting people in prison for crime is considered a "far right" position.
Sunny Hostin: Eclipse, Cicadas, and Earthquake Proves Climate Change
How is anything she says defensible regardless of one's politics?
 And directly TV-related, as THE VIEW is a TV show and she said that
nonsense on THE VIEW.
What to Do If Your Dog Seems Racist
So don't laugh
 Apparently it's now "right-wing" to laugh at the idiots who think
absolutely everything is racist. Either you agree with their idiocy
without qualification or hesitation or you're a raaaaaciiiist yourself.
The M-SHE-U Gender Switches the Silver Surfer
How is it right wing or left wing to object to major changes made in
adaptation? People have complained about this back to the first Greek
playwrite adapting a papyrus novel.
 It's also on-topic for the group, unless, as I said before, super70s
thinks we can only talk about TV/movies here from a leftist perspective.
Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime
Canada utterly lacks certain civil rights we take for granted in the
United States, despite coming from a similar legal system. How is it
that you are against liberty?
 This one is the first one that could actually, maybe, if you look at it
sideways on Tuesday during a full moon, be considered 'outrage', but who
wouldn't be outraged at the thought of the government locking you up not
for what you did, but what it thinks you might do in the future?
 Also, have you noticed that these lefties consider putting people in
prison for crimes they've actually committed to be 'far right' and
'fascist' and all the other -isms they can think of, but they think it's
perfectly fine to lock people up for crimes that haven't even happened?
CBS Sits Down With Victims of NY Squatters
Oh for fuck's sake. For one thing, these were not SQUATTERS, which is a
term specific to a hostile taking of ABANDONED property. None of this
property was ABANDONED.
 Also, it was a TV show, so perfectly on-topic for the group.
Dispatches from Clown World: Actual NY Times Headline
For more dispatches on why we should turn our country into an
authoritarian regime under Donald Trump
 Notice that in exactly zero of the threads super70s mentioned above did
I even mention Trump let alone advocate for his candidacy.
Oh, you don't get off the hook that easy.  See, I enjoy poking holes in your bloated carcass and watching your ass as it recedes into the distance.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Apr 24 * "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"27super70s
10 Apr 24 +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"10Rhino
10 Apr 24 i+- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1EGK
10 Apr 24 i+* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"5moviePig
10 Apr 24 ii+* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"3moviePig
11 Apr 24 iii`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2BTR1701
11 Apr 24 iii `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1moviePig
10 Apr 24 ii`- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1moviePig
10 Apr 24 i+- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2trotsky
12 Apr 24 i `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1FPP
10 Apr 24 +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"7Adam H. Kerman
11 Apr 24 i+- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1FPP
12 Apr 24 i`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"5super70s
13 Apr 24 i +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2BTR1701
13 Apr 24 i i`- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1trotsky
13 Apr 24 i +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1Adam H. Kerman
13 Apr 24 i `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1trotsky
10 Apr 24 +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"5The_LA_Flash
10 Apr 24 i`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"4Rhino
11 Apr 24 i +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i i`- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1Rhino
11 Apr 24 i `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1FPP
11 Apr 24 +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1Ubiquitous
11 Apr 24 +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1The_LA_Flash
11 Apr 24 +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1BTR1701
12 Apr 24 `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1The_LA_Flash

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