Re: Mattel Dumbs Down Scrabble to Make it 'More Inclusive'

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Sujet : Re: Mattel Dumbs Down Scrabble to Make it 'More Inclusive'
De : never (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 12. Apr 2024, 23:41:57
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17c5a655a412c952$6895$1416093$>
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On 4/12/2024 2:31 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
..and less competitive. 'Cause being competitive is just the worst.
 Scrabble's fan base is full of people who take their board games seriously.
If you're intimidated by the classic word game, a new version might be just
right for you.
 Scrabble Together Mode seeks to make the game more accessible and easier to
play. The emphasis in the updated game is on cooperation and collaboration
rather than competition. For those who found the original Scrabble a little
too intense, the new version could be a breath of fresh air.
So, not real words?  I wonder if 'Scribble' is trademarked...

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Apr 24 o Re: Mattel Dumbs Down Scrabble to Make it 'More Inclusive'1moviePig

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