Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"

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Sujet : Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 13. Apr 2024, 01:11:52
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uvcf3o$2jtk1$>
References : 1 2 3 4
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
On 2024-04-10 20:17:49 +0000, BTR1701 said:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:

Another post from someone too stupid to use a kill file.

Exactly. Much like Effa, "super70s" can't stand me but he'll read
everything I write when a simple killfile will remove me from their
lives completely. They're my biggest fans!

No a simple killfile DOESN'T remove you from anyone's life genius,
since other people (usually your rightwing fan club of 2 or 3) will
respond and quote you in full (others who respond are kind of like
those drivers who slow down to look at a gruesome car crash I guess).

It is possible to kill file threads or parts of threads in followup to
the author you don't want to read. Or, you could just junk articles you
don't want to read.

I guess "super70s" is confused and thinks this newsgroup is

I expect it to be

Liar. You expect it to be about your bitching about your enemies. You
have control of the topic in the newsgroup by what you post. You chose
not to post on television. You almost never post on television.

If you choose to post on television, then you'd stop being such a

You and AHK want it to be

Welcome to unmoderated Usenet.

Except if the OT post happens to be crossposted from some other group,
then AHK goes totally bananas for some reason.

Yads is a troll who has murdered rec.arts.drwho, and the regulars
generally post about Yads and not Dr. Who. No one but an idiot would
ever want to see those threads crossposted.

Same as you're doing. Same as you always do. What you won't do is post
about television.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Apr 24 * "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"27super70s
10 Apr 24 +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"10Rhino
10 Apr 24 i+- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1EGK
10 Apr 24 i+* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"5moviePig
10 Apr 24 ii+* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"3moviePig
11 Apr 24 iii`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2BTR1701
11 Apr 24 iii `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1moviePig
10 Apr 24 ii`- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1moviePig
10 Apr 24 i+- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2trotsky
12 Apr 24 i `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1FPP
10 Apr 24 +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"7Adam H. Kerman
11 Apr 24 i+- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1FPP
12 Apr 24 i`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"5super70s
13 Apr 24 i +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2BTR1701
13 Apr 24 i i`- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1trotsky
13 Apr 24 i +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1Adam H. Kerman
13 Apr 24 i `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1trotsky
10 Apr 24 +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"5The_LA_Flash
10 Apr 24 i`* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"4Rhino
11 Apr 24 i +* Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"2BTR1701
11 Apr 24 i i`- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1Rhino
11 Apr 24 i `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1FPP
11 Apr 24 +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1Ubiquitous
11 Apr 24 +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1The_LA_Flash
11 Apr 24 +- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1BTR1701
12 Apr 24 `- Re: "It's Daily Rightwing Outrage Theater with your host, BTR1701!"1The_LA_Flash

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