[OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel

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Sujet : [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* example.com (Rhino)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 14. Apr 2024, 04:02:01
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Warren Kinsella, a self-admitted long-time Liberal shill, seems to have
finally had his fill of multi-culturalism in this article written in
response to a demonstration in Toronto today that was interrupted to
announce that Iranian bombs and missiles were landing on Israel. The
crowd responded with *CHEERS*. (Video included in the article.)


He's exactly right about the history: multiculturalism was pitched
for many years as a good thing and any opponents were demonized as
racists. Look where that's gotten us!

He's even right about the solution: it's time to find a way to shed
ourselves of the people who don't want to live here in peace with us.
He offers no specific program but I think some kind of policy that
involves deporting non-citizens who run afoul of major laws would be a
good start. A further enhancement would be to establish a list of
offenses that, if committed, would justify stripping the person of any
naturalized Canadian citizenship they may have acquired and then
deporting them too. There would obviously need to be very serious
discussions to figure out the details and establish safeguards to
prevent misuse but I think the handwriting is on the wall and we need
to start to move on this.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Apr 24 * [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel10Rhino
14 Apr 24 `* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel9Adam H. Kerman
15 Apr 24  `* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel8Rhino
15 Apr 24   +* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel2Adam H. Kerman
15 Apr 24   i`- Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel1Rhino
15 Apr 24   `* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel5Adam H. Kerman
15 Apr 24    `* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel4Adam H. Kerman
16 Apr 24     `* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel3Rhino
16 Apr 24      `* Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel2Adam H. Kerman
16 Apr 24       `- Re: [OT] Pro-Palestinians in Toronto CELEBRATE Iranian bombs falling on Israel1Adam H. Kerman

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