Re: "Latine"-- the Latest Insultingly Woke Attempt to Change the Spanish Language

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Sujet : Re: "Latine"-- the Latest Insultingly Woke Attempt to Change the Spanish Language
De : ijball (at) *nospam* mac.invalid (Ian J. Ball)
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Date : 15. Apr 2024, 22:05:14
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uvk19q$fg5j$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 4/15/24 11:50 AM, BTR1701 wrote:

Since "Latinks" didn't work out for them and gets them roundly mocked at
best and vilified at worst by actual Latinos, the wokesters are now making
a second attempt at changing the Spanish language for people who didn't ask
for it and are quite happy with it just the way it is with the introduction
of "Latine".
 Taking an informal poll of my household, the girlfriend, who is of
Colombian ethnicity and speaks fluent Spanish, finds this one even worse
than latinks, sounding so close, as it does, to 'latrine".
 "Latine," a gender-neutral way to describe or refer to people with Latino
origins, is surging in popularity on university campuses, in museums, and
among researchers and media.
Yeah, I noticed this use exploding in admin Emails since Spring Break. "LatinX" must have polled horrendously for them to have dumped it so quick.
I find it much less obnoxious that "LatinX" (which is every bit as derogatory as "Generation X" is/was).
But it's still obnoxious: just stick with Latino/Latina - What's the problem?!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Apr 24 o Re: "Latine"-- the Latest Insultingly Woke Attempt to Change the Spanish Language1Ian J. Ball

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