Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)
De : nanoflower (at) *nospam* (shawn)
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Date : 17. Apr 2024, 09:45:01
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On Tue, 16 Apr 2024 19:41:08 -0700, anim8rfsk <>

anim8rfsk <> wrote:
Ian J. Ball <ijball@mac.invalid> wrote:
On Tax Day (I took care of my taxes a month ago!), I got through very
little TV:
What did you watch?
Hey, thanks for asking!
NCIS 10,000
The adventures of the NCIS crews in the far future!
No? At least that might’ve been interesting.
A completely pedestrian, and mostly boring case involving revenge REVENGE
on all of NCIS, by the Relative of the big bad from their very first case.
(no, Ian, it wasn’t ice queen, and we didn’t get blackadder).
This was terribly written, and just swimming in big stupid. The evil
villain, who has been plotting revenge REVENGE for 20 years, just started
taking shooting lessons, three months ago, and is now a crack sniper,
taking out targets at 1000 yards. Speaking of crack snipers, with the
mystery villain making attacks against the homes of everyone that’s ever
been in NCIS or helped NCIS who did they not call to warn? Gibbs!

I don't know that it was three months but it was only at most a years
training. Not exactly what one would expect to be able to pull off
that 1000 yard shot.

These attacks take place in the form of fire bombs. You can see from miles
away, and yet somehow managed to do no damage whatsoever.
Director Danielle Ruah from NCIS Los Angeles literally phones in her cameo
via MTAC. Despite their promise of lots of cameos and publicity releases of
Callan posing with the mothership team, most of them were just thrown in as
an afterthought via stock footage at the very end. There we finally see
Gibbs. I’m not sure we saw Ducky.  We got my favorite DiNozzo scene. And
even drop-ins from the very lesser series New Orleans and Perth.
But the biggest stupid of the whole thing? There was absolutely no reason
whatsoever for the evil bad person to involve NCIS. They weren’t even the
target. And if they had left them alone, they would have gotten away with
their evil scheme.  All of which had been safely set into motion before the
episode even began! The baddie could have gone home and watched the whole
thing unfold on television, and never even been suspected. But for some
reason, instead they took a shot at somebody who wasn’t involved with any
of their grievances at all.

Yeah, I get that the Elon standin (former BONES tech) provided the
attack on the NCIS facility by accident. That one makes sense but as
you say there was no need for trying to keep the NCIS agents busy.
They had nothing to do with the President's security and so wouldn't
have been aware of the significance of the virus even if they found it
before the plane took off. The only reason for the multiple attacks on
NCIS was to provide a reason for their involvement and catching the
bad girl in time to save the President.

I get that writers often need to skip corners in their writing to help
move the story along. When your basic premise is the bad girl does a
bad thing just to help the good guys save the day, that's just a poor
Best part was Fornell being the only person left who remembers their first
Special guest star, the rich techie guy from Bones.
This was so massively underwhelming. I didn’t even bother to watch the
previously recorded special about the special. I just flipped over to some
BLUE BLOODS reruns. Which were the point in time when Nicki was at her most
annoying on her way out and Eddie was at her most annoying on her way in as
Nicki‘s annoying replacement. Oh, and they had the most annoying mayor ever
from Rizzoli‘s Isles. It was all very annoying.  Even Lilith Sternan Crane.
By the way, all the commercials were either local inserts or ads for other
dreadful racist eye shows. This must’ve been a complete flop with the
advertising agencies.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
16 Apr 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)7Ian J. Ball
16 Apr 24 +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)4shawn
16 Apr 24 i`* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)3Arthur Lipscomb
16 Apr 24 i `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)2Ian J. Ball
17 Apr 24 i  `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)1Dimensional Traveler
16 Apr 24 +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)1Ian J. Ball
17 Apr 24 `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-04-15 (Monday)1shawn

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