Re: Fox News Anchor Isn Satisfied When Former Congressman Self-Censors, Calls Hamas Bad_People

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Sujet : Re: Fox News Anchor Isn Satisfied When Former Congressman Self-Censors, Calls Hamas Bad_People
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 17. Apr 2024, 10:30:52
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uvoebs$1j6pg$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : WinVN 0.99.12N (x86 32bit) wrote:
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner stopped former Rep. Patrick Murphy
(D-PA) cold, chastising him during a Thursday morning appearance for
referring to Hamas terrorists as simply “bad people.”
Faulkner voiced her surprise at the fact that Murphy — a combat
paratrooper and the first Iraq War veteran to serve in Congress —
would not use harsher terms to describe the terrorists who had
slaughtered more than 1,200 Israelis on October 7 and routinely used
Palestinian children as human shields.
“We absolutely need to understand that he is in a vise, in a sense,
because we have to bring Hamas to justice,” Murphy said of President
Joe Biden, acknowledging the fact that even members of his own party
were pressuring Biden to push back harder on Israel.
“We have to make a priority of the 130 hostages, including Americans.
We gotta get them there. And so, the debate really isn’t really about
bringing them to justice — and by the way, Hamas is an offshoot of
the Muslim Brotherhood. They are bad people,” he said.
It's blindingly obvious to me that the hostages held by Hamas are one
thing and one thing only: a bargaining chip that they can use to trade
for Hamas members, especially senior members, that are in Israeli jails.

I think it's more likely most of them are dead and they're trying to delay
revealing that for as long as possible.

Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Apr 24 * Re: Fox News Anchor Isn Satisfied When Former Congressman Self-Censors, Calls Hamas Bad_People2Rhino
17 Apr 24 `- Re: Fox News Anchor Isn Satisfied When Former Congressman Self-Censors, Calls Hamas Bad_People1Ubiquitous

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