"Completely Harmless": Maren Morris Defends Taking Her Toddler To Drag Show

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Sujet : "Completely Harmless": Maren Morris Defends Taking Her Toddler To Drag Show
De : weberm (at) *nospam* polaris.net (Ubiquitous)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv alt.homosexuality
Date : 18. Apr 2024, 10:30:48
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Liberal country star Maren Morris defended taking her toddler to a drag show
last year calling it �completely harmless� and labeling it �family-friendly.�

During the 34-year-old singer�s recent appearance on �The Kelly Clarkson
Show,� Morris talked about the Tennessee law that bans drag shows from spaces
where children can see them.

�We were doing a benefit at Bridgestone last year when they were doing the
drag ban in Tennessee,� Morris told the host. �There were drag queens like
throughout, entertaining as well, and one actually danced with me when I was
singing my song, �The Middle.� And it was just amazing and fun.�

�My son loves watching me, like sit in the makeup chair and just is like
fascinated with the colors � it was just like completely harmless,� she


�But I think it�s just such an amazing expression of artistry, and so I just
think like normalizing it and making it seem like these are just people that
love dressing up too, is an amazing thing,� the country singer continued. �It
was an all-ages show so, it was completely family-friendly.�

Morris told the host she decided to be an activist when she became a mother.

�I never set out to be this activist or advocate,� Morris said, noting the
early criticism in 2016 of her debut single, �My Church,� which she said was
labeled �blasphemous.�

�It crystallized when I became a mother � I want to be able to do music
forever, but I want to do it on my terms,� Morris said. �And if it costs me
fans by standing up for people that truly need all of the megaphoning, I am
okay with you, like, not being at the show.�

Last year, Morris made headlines when she dared authorities in Tennessee to
arrest her after telling the crowd at the �Love Rising� concert she had
introduced her son to Drag Queens at the event.

Morris joined a host of other performers at the LGBTQ+ benefits concert held
at the Nashville arena. Various stars sang and raised money to fight
legislation banning transgender procedures for minors and drag shows in the
presence of children, Billboard magazine noted.

When it was Morris� turn to perform, she told the audience that earlier in
the day she had introduced her toddler son to several drag queens in their
dressing rooms.

Morris said her son was �delighted� to watch the drag queens work on their
hair and makeup while preparing for the show.

�Yes, I introduced my son to some drag queens today, so Tennessee, f***ing
arrest me,� Morris told the audience.

Morris shares her four-year-old son, Hayes, with ex-husband Ryan Hurd.

Related: �So Tennessee, F***ing Arrest Me�: Maren Morris Tells Crowd She
Introduced Her 2-Year-Old Son To Drag Queens In Their Dressing Rooms

[OK, groomer]

Let's go Brandon!

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18 Apr 24 o "Completely Harmless": Maren Morris Defends Taking Her Toddler To Drag Show1Ubiquitous

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