Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public

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Sujet : Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
Groupes :
Date : 18. Apr 2024, 18:34:12
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/17/24 12:06 PM, The_LA_Flash wrote:
 This is too funny since it was the Donald that came up with the name
"sleepy Joe" and now the Donald is falling asleep in court.

Don Snorleone... the Nodfather.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
17 Apr 24 * Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public10The_LA_Flash
18 Apr 24 +* Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public8FPP
19 Apr 24 i`* Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public7super70s
19 Apr 24 i +* Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public5suzeeq
19 Apr 24 i i`* Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public4shawn
19 Apr 24 i i +* Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public2suzeeq
19 Apr 24 i i i`- Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public1super70s
19 Apr 24 i i `- Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public1Ubiquitous
19 Apr 24 i `- Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public1moviePig
19 Apr 24 `- Re: Did Donald Trump fall asleep in court? Why the trial is posing challenges for reporters and the public1Ubiquitous

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