Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine

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Sujet : Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 23. Apr 2024, 05:05:02
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/22/24 2:55 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <>,
  shawn <> wrote:
On Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:27:53 -0700, anim8rfsk <>
shawn <> wrote:
On Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:21:39 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:
In article <v03s02$fsao$>,
"Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
In Maine, in which those holding a state license may grow marijuana, an
unlicensed grow operation was busted.
Why were police suspicious?
1) Cardboard-covered windows
Yeah, 'cuz no one who wants to maintain privacy is ever not doing
something illegal.
2) High electricity consumption
Serves the perpretrators right for not going green with solar and
battery storge and staying entirely off grid.
Gotta love those smart meters. Now, I don't think there was privacy in
electrical consumption but those were monthly records. These meters
allow remote access and provide detailed real-time analysis of
electrical consumption. This helps burglars know when you aren't home
Well, burglars presumably don't have access to the Dept of Water and
Power's usage meters.
and gives police all sorts of interesting information about your habits,
all of which are presumed to be crimes.
And you can't even choose not to be hooked up to their surveillance
Government is increasingly cracking down on anyone who tries to live
independently and free of "the system".
Like the woman in Cape Coral, Florida, who was threatened with eviction
from her own home for daring to live "off the grid". She was generating
her own electricity and using a rainwater shower and said she had no
need for city utilities. The court ordered her to hook up to the grid or
be evicted.
That is ridiculous. Though presumably she doesn't have to use the city
utilities since she has her own. Though she will still have to pay the
basic access costs even if she never uses any of the city's power or
water. If the sewer bill is based off of water usage that should drop
to near $0.
There’s a minimum charge plus Usage. Even if you have your electricity
turned off completely it still cost like 15 or $20 a month just to have the
Ah, but if you don't pay it then they cut off the electricity and
water you weren't intending to use any way. Win Win
 Yeah, I imagine there are plenty of people in Florida who don't pay
their electric bill and get cut off, but they're not all evicted from
their own homes for it.
 Seems like this woman has been targeted specifically for her audacity to
show she doesn't need the government.
Gosh!  Government targeting some people for their audacity?
Good thing that Republicans would NEVER do this, amirite?
Unless you disagree with the petty elected officials like Disney did.
Disney got hammered because they disagreed with what Field Marshall DeSantis wanted.
But that's OK, isn't it?  So long as you like the target, you give them a pass.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
21 Apr 24 * Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine9Adam H. Kerman
22 Apr 24 `* Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine8BTR1701
22 Apr 24  +* Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine5shawn
22 Apr 24  i+* Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine3shawn
22 Apr 24  ii`* Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine2BTR1701
23 Apr 24  ii `- Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine1FPP
22 Apr 24  i`- Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine1suzeeq
22 Apr 24  +- Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine1Adam H. Kerman
22 Apr 24  `- Re: Pro-police: Illegal marijuana grow operation seized in Maine1trotsky

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