Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City

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Sujet : Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City
De : nobody (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
Groupes :
Date : 25. Apr 2024, 22:52:55
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v0efr9$36t1u$>
References : 1
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On 4/25/2024 3:15 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
Rather than thank these folks, apologize for their oversight, reimburse them
for their costs, and make sure city crews get out and do their job, the city
of Compton sends a letter threatening to sue them if they don't stop making
the city look like a bunch of lazy clowns.
The letter was mandatory, to absolve themselves of responsibility for shoddy repairs.  Nothing to do with embarrassment, just life in the USA.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 Apr 24 * Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City7BTR1701
25 Apr 24 +* Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City4moviePig
25 Apr 24 i`* Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City3BTR1701
25 Apr 24 i +- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1moviePig
26 Apr 24 i `- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1trotsky
26 Apr 24 +- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1trotsky
26 Apr 24 `- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1Ubiquitous

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