Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City

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Sujet : Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City
De : nobody (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 25. Apr 2024, 23:39:00
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v0eihm$37jq5$>
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On 4/25/2024 5:12 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <v0efr9$36t1u$>,
  moviePig <> wrote:
On 4/25/2024 3:15 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
Rather than thank these folks, apologize for their oversight, reimburse
them for their costs, and make sure city crews get out and do their job,
the city of Compton sends a letter threatening to sue them if they don't
stop making the city look like a bunch of lazy clowns.
The letter was mandatory, to absolve themselves of responsibility for
shoddy repairs. Nothing to do with embarrassment, just life in the USA.
 That's the problem. They weren't embarrassed that citizens are having to
go out and do street repairs because the city can't be bothered to
fulfill its responsibilities.
 As for shoddy repairs, the couple's pothole repairs are better than the
city's. After the recent torrential rains, their work is still intact
where the few potholes city has repaired have washed away again.
 That's because they do it right and take the time to pack the asphalt
properly, rather than the half-assed way the city does it, where they
just dump the asphalt in and let the passing cars drive over it and
compact it.
That's maybe the least surprising thing about this.  As a private party, they'd actually feel vulnerable, maybe even guilty, for driver mishaps.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 Apr 24 * Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City7BTR1701
25 Apr 24 +* Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City4moviePig
25 Apr 24 i`* Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City3BTR1701
25 Apr 24 i +- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1moviePig
26 Apr 24 i `- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1trotsky
26 Apr 24 +- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1trotsky
26 Apr 24 `- Re: Frustrated Couple Fills Potholes Themselves; Receives Legal Threat from City1Ubiquitous

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