Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle

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Sujet : Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 27. Apr 2024, 20:01:31
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In article <v0iims$a6jb$>, FPP <>

On 4/25/24 2:37 PM, BTR1701 wrote:

Nancy Pelosi's husband buys land with federal grants for a high speed
rail system from Sacramento to San Diego. Land he couldn't buy was
seized via eminent domain.
Pelosi's husband sells the land purchased with federal funds to Diane
Feinstein's husband, who has an ownership stake in the company that was
awarded the contract to build the train system, and who got federal grant
funds to purchase it from Pelosi's husband.
Feinstein then sells the land to the actual developer sub-contracted to do
the construction work. The developer also purchases the land from
Feinstein using federal grants.
The taxpayers of California and the United States purchased the same land
three different times, resulting in millions in profit for the Pelosi and
Feinstein families.

Were any laws broken? If not, what's your problem?

EFFA: It's okay to fuck the taxpayer good and hard so long as you're a
lawmaker and can make what you do legal. Oh, and you're a Democrat.
Republicans are criminals if they do this sort of thing but not

Oh... and Feinstein is dead.

Her family isn't.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 Apr 24 * The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle10BTR1701
25 Apr 24 +* Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle2Ubiquitous
26 Apr 24 i`- Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle1Ubiquitous
25 Apr 24 +- Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle1Rhino
27 Apr 24 `* Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle6FPP
27 Apr 24  `* Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle5BTR1701
28 Apr 24   +- Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle1trotsky
29 Apr 24   `* Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle3FPP
29 Apr 24    `* Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle2BTR1701
30 Apr 24     `- Re: The Corruption Behind California's High-Speed Rail Boondoggle1FPP

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