Re: [OT] A Gazan that gets it

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Sujet : Re: [OT] A Gazan that gets it
De : danmin (at) *nospam* (Danart)
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Date : 29. Apr 2024, 14:30:04
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 > Rhino wrote:
 > I just read this and was impressed with this Palestinian from Gaza.
 > Finally! Someone who sees beyond the slogans and chants and
 > what's really going on!
 > --
 > Rhino

Zioniost Israel choose to commit a 9/11 by blowing up
an residential apartment building with 200 people.

After they defended against DIY missiles / mortar via the Iron Dome.

Before all of this people during Ramandam literally was being verbally
and physically abused. No different then civil-rights activists during
the 1960. Even before that people ( Israeli against Israeli ) was
abusing people in 2016 for defending migrants.

Zionist Isarael is the problem. It is a mistake to think we could
"get rid of the Jews" when in reality we filled North Africa
with white people, who just happen to be related to Judaism. 

Eastern Europeans
and the rest was forced, told to go, and put into the "Six Day

During that time an Allied US spy-boat was attacked by so called IDF
fighter planes. Blown to bits in the worst way possible. All caught on
camera. USA did nothing about the problem.  That is when the US should
have come to  Palestine/Israel and actually force everybody to live
together in harmony.

Nope. The modern state is
Racist cowards who see your skin complexion and wants to eliminate
RAcist cowards who see you thriving and wants your late abortion.
Racist cowards who denounces your belief sysem.

What Palestine/Israel needs is for the USA military to moderate these
morons, because these morons are parasitic off the US dollar and is
killing babies, and more.

Makes Hitler real proud to see one of his ideas "To remove the
Jews from Europe" is causing chaos in North Africa.
All of these people need to get along it is not Jim-crow but more like
Kim-crow ( like North Korea ).

This is a response to the post seen at:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
29 Apr 24 * [OT] A Gazan that gets it3Rhino
29 Apr 24 +- Re: [OT] A Gazan that gets it1Adam H. Kerman
29 Apr 24 `- Re: [OT] A Gazan that gets it1Danart

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