Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus

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Sujet : Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 01. May 2024, 15:25:51
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v0tfsv$368n5$>
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shawn <> wrote:
Wed, 1 May 2024 03:50:21 -0000 (UTC), Adam H. Kerman <>:
BTR1701 <> wrote:

Pro-Hamas protesters at UCLA started issuing wristbands to people they
approve of and barring access to a significant part of the campus to
anyone who doesn't have a wristband, specifically Jewish students.

Here's an audio recording of a phone call from a parent where the
UCLA police department admits they're intentionally violating dozens
of federal civil rights and equal access laws, not to mention the
Constitution itself, by allowing this to happen:

Aren't the police REQUIRED to refuse to follow an illegal order to deny
someone his civil rights?


I feel obligated to wear the yellow armband with star of David in
solidarity with the Jewish students who are being discriminated against.

I wouldn't do that but if I needed to get across the campus and the
quickest path way was through their encampment I wouldn't hesitate to
walk through it. All without wearing any sort of arm band marking me
as being with them or against them.

They are enforcing their occupation and acts of discrimination by
physically impeding progress and battery. Are you going to allow
yourself to get beaten up to oppose a wanton act of discrimination?

Imagine if a bunch of white kids had seized half of UCLA and were only
allowing white people in; excluding blacks from the classes and facilities
they'd paid tuition for. Does anyone think the UCLA police and/or
administration would be sitting on their hands then?

Sadly that's all too true. We've been conditioned over the years to
over-react when it comes to the mistreatment of blacks.

"We"? Speak for yourself. I might react in thought to what I read, but I
certainly hope if I were a witness to a battery I might intervene to
assist a victim without regard to skin color. If I "see color" in the
victim, then I'm a bad actor too.

But when it's Jews, it's totes cool, even down to identifying the Jews based
on what they're wearing or not wearing. That doesn't sound Nazi-esque or

And all this from 'progressive' Democrats who've spent the last four years
braying that Trump that was going to destroy 'muh democracy'.

People aren't perfect. Hopefully someone in the administration comes
to realize the problem with treating one group differently from the

How? The administration is currently committing bad acts by allowing
batteries and discrimination to continue. They should be fired.

Who cares about their potential to not do the wrong thing in future? The
point you are willfully ignoring is that they are doing the wrong thing
RIGHT NOW and should be fired for it.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 May 24 * UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus15BTR1701
1 May 24 +* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus4Rhino
1 May 24 i`* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus3BTR1701
1 May 24 i `* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus2FPP
2 May 24 i  `- Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus1Pluted Pup
1 May 24 `* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus10Adam H. Kerman
1 May 24  `* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus9shawn
1 May 24   +* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus7BTR1701
2 May 24   i+* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus4Pluted Pup
2 May 24   ii`* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus3BTR1701
3 May 24   ii +- Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus1moviePig
3 May 24   ii `- Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus1trotsky
2 May 24   i`* Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus2Ubiquitous
3 May 24   i `- Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus1Ubiquitous
1 May 24   `- Re: UCLA Allows Protesters to Exclude Jewish Students from Campus1Adam H. Kerman

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