Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either

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Sujet : Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 01. May 2024, 15:36:26
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v0tggq$368n5$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
BTR1701 <> wrote:
shawn <> wrote:
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:13:19 +0000, BTR1701 <> wrote:

Fresh off a New York judge illegally declaring that 1/10th of the Bill of
Rights has been repealed in her courtroom, the governor of New York has
announced she'll be policing 1st Amendment protected speech if she doesn't
like what you're saying.

New York Announces it Will Take Citizen Surveillance and Censorship to the
Next Level

Like the plot to a dystopian movie, New York will now monitor social media
writings, collect data, and use law enforcement to crack down on any
expression it deems to be hate speech.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced on Monday that the state will ramp
up surveillance efforts of social media accounts and that law enforcement
will take proactive measures, including contacting people on suspicion of
using "hate speech".

How are they going to know who is a NYer and who isn't or are they
planning to contact anyone saying things they didn't like regardless
of where they live in the world?

Oh, I'd love it if that was the case and the NYPD or New York State
Police called me up here in California to discuss my 'hate speech'. That
would be a fun conversation.

More like they'd "encourage" a social media company to run a bot to
remove posts of yours without discussion. You wouldn't notice it unless
you actively monitored your account. If you noticed and then asked the
social media company why your posts were removed, you'd be ignored. They
would never tell you they obeyed a specific government censor to protect
the guilty.

Why not monitor your accounts for cooperation with censors? If you catch
them doing so, file a lawsuit and see if in discovery they'll turn over
evidence of cooperation with government censors. I wouldn't know how to
do such a thing without my own lawyer, but you could.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 Apr 24 * The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either34BTR1701
30 Apr 24 +* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either21FPP
30 Apr 24 i+* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either17BTR1701
1 May 24 ii`* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either16FPP
1 May 24 ii `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either15BTR1701
2 May 24 ii  +* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2trotsky
2 May 24 ii  i`- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1FPP
2 May 24 ii  `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either12FPP
2 May 24 ii   +* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either10BTR1701
3 May 24 ii   i`* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either9FPP
3 May 24 ii   i +* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either6BTR1701
4 May 24 ii   i i+* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either4FPP
4 May 24 ii   i ii+- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1trotsky
4 May 24 ii   i ii`* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2BTR1701
5 May 24 ii   i ii `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1FPP
4 May 24 ii   i i`- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1FPP
4 May 24 ii   i `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2trotsky
5 May 24 ii   i  `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1FPP
3 May 24 ii   `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1trotsky
30 Apr 24 i+- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1Ubiquitous
1 May 24 i`* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2FPP
2 May 24 i `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1trotsky
30 Apr 24 +* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either7shawn
30 Apr 24 i+* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either4Adam H. Kerman
1 May 24 ii`* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either3Adam H. Kerman
14 Jun 24 ii `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2Adam H. Kerman
19 Jun18:43 ii  `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1Adam H. Kerman
1 May 24 i`* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2BTR1701
1 May 24 i `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1Adam H. Kerman
30 Apr 24 `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either5Adam H. Kerman
30 Apr 24  `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either4BTR1701
1 May 24   `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either3Adam H. Kerman
1 May 24    `* Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either2BTR1701
1 May 24     `- Re: The 1st Amendment Apparently Doesn't Exist in New York Either1Adam H. Kerman

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