Tubi's "Gossip to Die for" is available today

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Sujet : Tubi's "Gossip to Die for" is available today
De : robin.miller (at) *nospam* invalid.invalid (Robin Miller)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 03. May 2024, 17:01:58
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It was listed on Tubi's corporate press release for a May 3 release but there was no other information. Anyway, it's there:
https://www.heavenofhorror.com/reviews/gossip-to-die-for-2024-tubi-thriller/   [2/5 review]
Logline: Under the public eye, a troubled detective races to solve a series of high-profile murders that are “predicted” when published online.
The main character is played by Susan Ateh, who actually has previous credits going back to 2012:
Her partner is played by Jay Rincon, and Roisin Browne also stars.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 May 24 * Tubi's "Gossip to Die for" is available today4Robin Miller
3 May 24 `* Re: Tubi's "Gossip to Die for" is available today3Ian J. Ball
3 May 24  +- Re: Tubi's "Gossip to Die for" is available today1Robin Miller
3 May 24  `- Re: Tubi's "Gossip to Die for" is available today1Robin Miller

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