Re: [OT] Ontario Provincial Police beginning mandatory breathalyzer use on EVERY traffic stop

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Ontario Provincial Police beginning mandatory breathalyzer use on EVERY traffic stop
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 04. May 2024, 20:23:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Thu, 02 May 2024 21:01:22 -0700
BTR1701 <> wrote:

In article <>,
 Rhino <> wrote:
I was very surprised to see this video just now:
According to the video, this law has been in effect since 2018 but
is only beginning to be enforced now.
There are obvious civil rights implications in this so I expect this
will be challenged right up to the Supreme Court. (But according to
the comments, a similar law has been in effect in Saskatchewan for
a while and has been ruled constitutional in every court that has
considered the matter. However, it's not clear if it has been found
constitutional by even the Saskatchewan Supreme Court, let alone
the federal Supreme Court.) 
I can see a mandatory breath blow for every stop due to driver
conduct-- i.e., running a stop sign, speeding, weaving, etc.-- but
not for stops that have nothing to do with a driver's behavior, like
broken taillight, window tint too dark, etc.
Hmmm. Since marijuana has been legal in this country for several
years, will they also force every driver stopped by the police to
go to a hospital for the test that determines if the driver is
high? If yes, that's going to cause some real congestion in the
hospitals. If no, why not? This seems to show distinct
discrimination against people impaired by alcohol versus those
impaired by pot.
For what it's worth, I'm not remotely worried about getting charged
as a result of this new enforcement since I don't drink or use
You haven't been keeping up:
Police Dept. Arrests Drivers Who Blow 0.00

Wow!! I never imagined such a thing was possible. That is truly


Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 May 24 * [OT] Ontario Provincial Police beginning mandatory breathalyzer use on EVERY traffic stop4Rhino
3 May 24 +* Re: [OT] Ontario Provincial Police beginning mandatory breathalyzer use on EVERY traffic stop2BTR1701
4 May 24 i`- Re: [OT] Ontario Provincial Police beginning mandatory breathalyzer use on EVERY traffic stop1Rhino
3 May 24 `- Re: [OT] Ontario Provincial Police beginning mandatory breathalyzer use on EVERY traffic stop1Adam H. Kerman

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