Re: Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)

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De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 06. May 2024, 22:40:45
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 anim8rfsk <> wrote:

Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:

and due to massive medical debt and the rent increase on his old
apartment, and the deaf kid's tuition, etc. We hear violins.
And he got to take a shot at blaming this on evil America.

And did it ever occur to this guy to explain his situation and ask his
super-wealthy quasi-boss and friend to maybe use his connections to get
him a job somewhere else? I mean, the rich guy and his dad probably know
people from coast to coast, so why not have him hook him up with a job
in Kansas or Nebraska, somewhere that a security guard's salary *would*
be enough to live on. The cops said several times that the guard had no
family or friends in New York, so what's keeping him there? You're
living out of your car, you have no ties to New York, so why stay in the
most expensive place in America to live? Why not fire up that truck and
drive to Iowa or South Dakota where you can get an apartment for 1/100th
the cost of one in New York?

Price argues that case law about privacy in a homeless
NOTE: they don't use the word homeless anymore. All the way through the
show they continued to use the new term "unhoused"

In L.A., you can't even say that. All the government officials and their
media stenographers use the phrase "people experiencing homelessness"
because (they say) the emphasis must be on the fact that they are people
first and that homelessness isn't their defining trait. Everything is
"people experiencing X" now.

You're not a drug addict, you're a person experiencing drug addiction.

You're not a convicted felon, you're a person who has experienced

You're not an illegal alien, you're a person who is not yet an American


All Price has to do is recall the doctor who performed the autopsy to
rebut this testimony, but we don't go there. Instead, the deaf girl
gives testimony backing her father's story. Price wisely decides not to
bully the girl in cross.
The deaf girl signs her testimony, and they have a woman translating it
aloud for the jury and boy does she have the violins and melodrama
cranked up to 11!

Yep. If I was Price, I'd have asked the judge to retire the jury so he
could be heard on a motion, then have the judge warn the interpreter to
keep the emotional editorializing out of her tone and facial expressions
or be held in contempt.

And it WASN'T self defense under castle doctrine as only the VICTIM gets
that one. But it could have been under other circumstances! And it's so
terrible that the little girl will be in foster care rather than being
raised by her murderous father.
That comes directly from the recent BLUE BLOOD episode where Erin got the
guy out of prison on the basis, that if you have a dependent you get cut
free with time served.

Even if, as in this case, you can't provide for your dependent without
resorting to crime.

Dixon urges that a plea be offered with little prison and a lot of
probation. Price is ordered to offer the plea.
Ordered by his boss who is a good personal friend of the murder victim
and the murder victims father
Wait a minute? When did he change teams? He should be calling for the
death penalty!

Yeah, he was starting to be the reincarnation of Abby Carmichael and I
was there for it and now this time he folds like a cheap suit.

(Wouldn't that have been great if they'd actually replaced Sam Waterston
with Angie Harmon? Brought back Abby as the D.A.? The New York death
chamber wouldn't have enough drugs to kill all the guys she'd be sending

Dixon is torn by her, well, ethical responsibility to not hide evidence.
That would be a felony. She tells Riley. Riley, being an enormous moron,
doesn't urge her to immediately present the evidence to Price. He tells
her he'll conspire with her to hide it if she so chooses. Dear ghod.
That was horrifying

But probably one of the more realistic scenes on this show.

What will Dixon do? She waits till the very last moment, just before
Price enters the conference room at his own office to offer the plea
bargain to the defense. Price tells the defense he won't offer the plea
after all. Price puts Dixon on the stand to rebut the girl's testimony.
Why isn't all of this heresay? She "overheard" the little girl signing
to her son at a distance, and only caught a couple of keywords and
bullied the son and the deaf daughter into telling her a story and
then she's allowed to testify to it in court?

It would typically be hearsay and the defendant's lawyer objected to
just that but it was overruled because Price rightly pointed out that it
was a statement against penal interest and therefore the hearsay rule
didn't apply.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 May 24 * Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)6Adam H. Kerman
6 May 24 +* Re: Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)2BTR1701
6 May 24 i`- Re: Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)1Adam H. Kerman
6 May 24 +* Re: Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)2BTR1701
6 May 24 i`- Re: Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)1Adam H. Kerman
9 May 24 `- Re: Stupid tv I'm watching Law & Order "Castle in the Sky" 5/2/2024 (spoilers)1Adam H. Kerman

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