Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole

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Sujet : Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
Groupes :
Date : 13. May 2024, 05:01:23
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In article <v1ru4p$i5q$>,
 danny burstein <> wrote:

In <v1rtsa$37jeq$> "Adam H. Kerman" <> writes:
Steve Buscemi is yet another New Yorker who has been attacked at random,
in public in broad daylight.
As anyone who watched Jack Reacher, or any of a hundred other
movies/tv shows, or read a thousdan detective stories, any time
a group of folk are attacked (or shot/killed) "at random", the
odds are prtty good victim #4 was the "real target" and the
others were beaten up/run over/shot to confuse the investigators..

Except none of those stories were set in the crime-ridden hellscape that
New York has become, where the only people who are arrested and
prosecuted are the people who try to defend themselves and their
property from the thugs and political opponents of Democrats.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 May 24 * Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole6Adam H. Kerman
13 May 24 `* Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole5danny burstein
13 May 24  +* Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole2Adam H. Kerman
13 May 24  i`- Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole1BTR1701
13 May 24  `* Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole2BTR1701
18 May 24   `- Re: Steve Buscemi attacked at random by asshole1FPP

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