Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?

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Sujet : Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 13. May 2024, 18:06:21
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sun, 12 May 2024 20:32:06 -0700
The Horny Goat <> wrote:

On Sun, 12 May 2024 21:15:12 -0400, Rhino
<> wrote:
I don't understand how they can believe that the world will be better
with them in charge. They are INSANE and will destroy everything that
hundreds of generations painstakingly built up. Their insanity
includes a massive dose of denial. Look at any Marxist state and
you'll see a disaster in progress with a tiny handful ruling and
living in comfort while everyone else is denied all the freedoms we
take for granted. Look at any Islamic state and you'll see a place
that's trying to live by rules from the 7th century and not
hesitating to kill anyone that doesn't follow all the rules to the
letter. How is either situation better for anyone but the tiny few
at the top of the pyramid of power? 
While I agree with you I'm more concerned with the reports from
England saying 50% of British Muslims support Sharia in the UK.
Look for street interviews of Muslims in Dearborn or Minneapolis and
you'll find plenty of support for Sharia there too! I've seen some of
those interviews on YouTube. I don't know if anyone has done an
official poll that has a percentage of Sharia supporters but I'll bet
the number is substantial.

Heck, I remember a time in the early 90s that Muslims were pushing for
Sharia here in Ontario - and almost got it. But "progressive" icon
turned Liberal (and our current ambassador to the UN) Bob Rae
apparently stopped it - or at least it was thwarted when he was Premier
of Ontario - making it the only good thing I can attribute to his time
in power. 

Do they not clearly understand that most non-Muslim Brits consider the
British legal system (for good reason in my opinion) as one of their
national "crown jewels"?
Have you seen Mr Bates vs the Post Office? The ongoing scandal of the
Horizon fiasco is finally being rectified by Parliament and the Courts,
although it's taken YEARS and is still far from over.

It takes one helluva nerve to immigrate to a new country then demand
to bring their own legal system with them. At least the mayor of
London denounced the poll results.

Denounced? Or tried to soft-pedal them to make Muslims seem like less
of a threat than they actually are? Remember that Sadiq Khan is one of


Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 May 24 * [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?6Rhino
13 May 24 `* Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?5BTR1701
13 May 24  +* Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?3Rhino
13 May 24  i+- Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?1Rhino
13 May 24  i`- Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?1Adam H. Kerman
14 May 24  `- Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?1trotsky

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