Re: Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview

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Sujet : Re: Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 13. May 2024, 19:59:43
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In article <v1svpu$3dvu1$>,
 Ubiquitous <> wrote:

The White House rarely allows President Biden to sit down for
interviews, and Wednesday's chat with CNN's Erin Burnett shows why.
In a brief 17 minutes, Biden told 15 lies -- nearly a lie a minute.
From whoppers about the economy to prevarications on Israel, Biden spun
a fantasyland of a presidency that voters know is false.
Here's a rundown:
LIE 1: "I've created over 15 million jobs since I've been president."
Biden's favorite falsehood, told over and over and over again no matter
how many fact-checks call him out.
He took office at the tail end of a pandemic that blew a hole in the
economy, when lockdown policies wholeheartedly endorsed by Democrats
took people out of the office and onto COVID stimulus checks.
He "created" nothing -- after the introduction of the vaccine, people
returned to the workforce.

It takes a special kind of gall to throw millions of people out of their
jobs, then when you finally let them go back to work again, claim you
'created' the jobs they were already doing before you fucked up their

LIE 2: "Other than Herbert Hoover, [Donald Trump] is the only president
who has lost more jobs than he created."

The fundamental basis for all of these statement is a lie. With the
exception of government workers, government doesn't/can't create jobs in
the first place.

LIE 7: "There's corporate greed going out there. And it's got to be
dealt with."
Labor costs increased 4.2% between 2023 and 2024.
They increased 5.1% from 2021 to 2022.
The costs of everything, from supplies to shipping, rent and taxes,
have gone up.
Because of the huge amount of government money injected into the
system, minimum-wage increases by California and other states, and
pent-up demand by consumers.
How is Biden going to "deal with it"?
Tell companies they can't raise prices to avoid losing money?

Well, Newsom sure thinks that's the solution to businesses laying off
employees or replacing them with automation to counter his ridiculous
$20/hour minimum wage for burger flippers.

He wants to pass laws making it illegal for a business to reduce its
workforce to save money or to replace a human with a machine.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 May 24 * Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview3Ubiquitous
13 May 24 +- Re: Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview1BTR1701
14 May 24 `- Lying Fact Checkers Re: Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview1Pluted Pup

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