Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)

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Sujet : Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 14. May 2024, 20:13:51
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v209kv$aem8$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
BTR1701 <> wrote:
"Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:

Another Steve Lehto video also touching on the open fields doctrine.
This federal doctrine goes back to the 1920s (Lehto incorrectly says 1930)
that police may enter upon private land to conduct a warrantless search in
specific circumstances in which the land is an open field. Typically, to
search the interior of a building or structure, a warrant is required,
and there is lesser protection against warrantless search on the
curtilage, the portion of the land used to approach and enter the
building. I cannot follow this doctrine at all. One is allowed to walk
up to the front door of a building to knock, seeking entry, without
committing trespass. If the area is fenced and restricted, then I
suppose curtilage is the approach to the gate. There might be evidence
of a crime that requires no warrant to obtain, but just because it's
curtilage doesn't allow police to seek evidence that's not in plain

What's I've never understood is, wherever the curtilage boundary is, how
can the rest of the land be open field if it's the front yard of a
building and it's not a field of any kind?

I've always wondered how far this 'authority' to go on private property
extends. It's one thing for a wildlife cop to hop a fence and plant a
camera while you're not there, but what if you're out and about on your
land and come across one of these guys in the act? Do you have the
authority as the property owner to say get the hell out of here? I mean,
you would if it was any other trespasser, but do these guys have the
legal right to remain on your land even if confronted by the property
owner who tells them to leave?

It sure doesn't sound like it.

And what about the cameras? If I'm out in the woods on my land and I
find some spy camera stuck to a tree that I didn't put there and that I
don't want there, am I legally obligated to leave it there? Can I take
it down? If not, can I turn it so that it points at the ground? Can I
put a sock over it? What does the law say about that and how can it
possibly be consistent with the 4th Amendment?

How about law of abandoned property? One of the comments said to place a
No Trespassing sign on the ground and point the camera lens toward it.

. . .

That's the not the standard for a warrant. You have to be able to
articulate probable cause, which is a higher bar to clear than
reasonable suspicion.

Sorry. I confused the two concepts.

. . .

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 May 24 * Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)8Adam H. Kerman
14 May 24 `* Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)7BTR1701
14 May 24  +* Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)2Adam H. Kerman
14 May 24  i`- Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)1BTR1701
14 May 24  `* Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)4shawn
14 May 24   +- Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)1Adam H. Kerman
14 May 24   `* Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property (was: Fourteenth and a half amendment: Warrantless searches of two PA hunt clubs by game wardens upheld at trial court)2BTR1701
14 May 24    `- Re: Wildlife agents need warrants to place cameras on private property1Adam H. Kerman

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