Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?

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Sujet : Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?
De : gmsingh (at) *nospam* (trotsky)
Groupes :
Date : 14. May 2024, 22:29:27
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17cf74f28a3fbbec$22475$310004$>
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On 5/12/24 5:55 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
On May 11, 2024 at 11:35:28 AM PDT, "Rhino" <>
It seems that the Green Party, at least in Britain, has been taken over
by a coalition of leftists and Islamists. Recent local elections saw a
significant number of Islamists win seats on local city/town councils.
This video shows one such candidate screaming "Allahu Akbar!" when he
learned that he won.
These candidates apparently got elected due to their identities and
their fervent support for Palestine, even though local governments in
Britain - like local governments almost everywhere - have no role in
forming foreign policy.
> [19 minutes]
For a guy that's a professional comedian, he provides a surprisingly
accurate report on historical topics, particularly how the left and the
Islamists worked together to overthrow the Shah of Iran and install
Ayatollah Khomeini, then the Islamists murdered the leftists or forced
them to flee the country.
I really don't pay much attention to the provincial or federal Green
parties in this country but I'm going to have to start paying more
attention to what they're doing. Britain is going down a very
concerning road and I don't want that in Canada!
 The issue is never the point. The point is the 'revolution'.
 Antifa, BLM, climate cultists, pro-Hamas protesters... they're all the same
people. They just change costumes based on whatever issue has people currently
fired up.
 That's why Saint Greta of Thunberg is currently parading around in a kaffiyeh.
Climate change yesterday, elimination of Jews today, no matter. The only thing
that really matters is tearing down society.
Wow, that's quite an enemies list: one name and she isn't even an American.  Meanwhile you continue to show zero self awareness for your party even whilst the likely POTUS candidate is on the verge of going to prison.  If you're so discerning why is it you can't open your motherfucking cyber mouth on this issue?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 May 24 * [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?6Rhino
13 May 24 `* Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?5BTR1701
13 May 24  +* Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?3Rhino
13 May 24  i+- Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?1Rhino
13 May 24  i`- Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?1Adam H. Kerman
14 May 24  `- Re: [OT] What's happened to the Green Party?1trotsky

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