Re: Arab/Israeli relations on Yes, Prime Minister

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Sujet : Re: Arab/Israeli relations on Yes, Prime Minister
De : danmin (at) *nospam* (Danart)
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Date : 15. May 2024, 16:43:38
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 > Adam H. Kerman wrote:
 > The witty script of Yes, Prime Minister on whether Britain might
take a
 > moral stand and the Foreign Office generally undermining
 > The Israeli ambassador allowing the Prime Minister to save face and
 > prevent a crisis, again undermined by the Foreign Office.
 > I was very fond of this program four decades ago.

There is
no laughing matter at this problem. The fact that the British pulled
out and the US did nothing after their spy-boat was attacked by Allied
Six-Day fighter planes ( I am assuming Russians AKA Eastern European
migrants posing as J U E s ). I mean seriously looking at history even
pre-Ottoman or pre-spain you will see that Jews ( whoever they are )
was well better off during this time.

If anything the persecution of Jews happen starting with the advent of
Saul -> Paul first by "a higher class of Jews" and was
simmered down with the ruling of pre-Spain by Islam and Ottoman
Empire. Only other reason was that "Jews" was brought in as
slave via the march of the Roman Empire, but that was hundreds if not
thousands of years ago before advent of Jesus.

What was the real problem with post WWII Israel/Palestine? I will tell
you. They just needed to rename the nation and force everybody to get
along, and give people options. What did they do? They literally drop
ship "Refugees" ( people inside Nazi death camps ) into the
six-day-war directly after WWII, and never really gave anybody the
option to..

Rebuld there houses. This argument is stupid. "What to do with
the leftover people who identify as Jews in Europe"?

A. Rebuild there houses, property, and land

B. Do what Hitler wanted to do at first and send them away to another

This fictional argumentation is silly. As with Kuwait they just wanted
the Oil and could careless about the Progression of society.

This is a response to the post seen at:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 May 24 * Arab/Israeli relations on Yes, Prime Minister2Adam H. Kerman
15 May 24 `- Re: Arab/Israeli relations on Yes, Prime Minister1Danart

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