Re: Let's go Brandon!

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Sujet : Re: Let's go Brandon!
De : nanoflower (at) *nospam* (shawn)
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Date : 17. May 2024, 02:08:25
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Thu, 16 May 2024 14:28:21 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:

In article <>,
shawn <> wrote:
On Thu, 16 May 2024 13:18:27 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:
In article <v25mp9$1nota$>,
Ubiquitous <> wrote:
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When  gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.

Of course you can. If you are the President, then you always take
credit for the good things, like Trump taking credit when the stock
market hit multiple highs during his Presidency. Then predicted the
stock market would crash if Biden won in 2020 and is predicting he
will tank the stock market if he should win the November  2024

Now for us mere mortals we tend to stick to observable facts within
our own control. So we don't take credit for things we can't actually
control. Nor do we tend to claim credit when things go well, and deny
blame when things go wrong, but for the non-politician billionaire
that isn't the case. Witness Elon Musk who claims to be behind all the
goodness that was Tesla's stock price on that wild ride up. Now that
the stock price is continuing to slide downward he's got any number of
reasons why it is happening, none of them his fault.

Same with inflation. If the president can't control inflation, then he
needs to stop going from one news outlet after another bragging about
how he lowered the inflation rate-- especially when it actually went up,
not down.
But if he *is* going to brag about it, then he has to expect to be held
accountable when the inflation rate goes the other way.

That's only for us mere mortals..

Date Sujet#  Auteur
16 May 24 * Re: Let's go Brandon!19Ubiquitous
16 May 24 `* Re: Let's go Brandon!18BTR1701
16 May 24  +* Re: Let's go Brandon!8shawn
16 May 24  i`* Re: Let's go Brandon!7BTR1701
17 May 24  i +* Re: Let's go Brandon!4shawn
17 May 24  i i`* Re: Let's go Brandon!3BTR1701
17 May 24  i i +- Re: Let's go Brandon!1shawn
17 May 24  i i `- Re: Let's go Brandon!1trotsky
17 May 24  i +- Re: Let's go Brandon!1trotsky
18 May 24  i `- Re: Let's go Brandon!1FPP
16 May 24  `* Re: Let's go Brandon!9moviePig
17 May 24   +* Re: Let's go Brandon!7BTR1701
17 May 24   i+* Re: Let's go Brandon!5moviePig
17 May 24   ii`* Re: Let's go Brandon!4BTR1701
17 May 24   ii +- Re: Let's go Brandon!1trotsky
17 May 24   ii `* Re: Let's go Brandon!2moviePig
18 May 24   ii  `- Re: Let's go Brandon!1moviePig
17 May 24   i`- Re: Let's go Brandon!1trotsky
17 May 24   `- Re: Let's go Brandon!1trotsky

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