Sugar - What did you think?

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Sujet : Sugar - What did you think?
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 18. May 2024, 03:28:55
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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The last episode of Sugar dropped today. Or at least the last episode
of Season 1. I'm not really sure if it is meant to be an ongoing series
or just a "limited series". It was a little hard to tell given that
John Sugar and the guy who witnessed the murders
were both at large and John seemed unhappy about the witness getting
away with it.

In any case, it was an interesting series. I can't recall any other
series I've ever watched being both film noir and science fiction! Mind
you, it was 90% noir and only 10% SF, perhaps to keep from alienating
noir fans who don't see themselves as SF fans.

I thought they did a good job of introducing the SF aspect. I really
didn't see that coming. I assumed the group of which Sugar was a part
was some kind of intelligence-gathering organization, either
governmental or private. I hadn't seen anything that led me to believe
there was an SF element to the story. I've deliberately kept this post
vague for the sake of those who are still watching it or thinking of
watching it.

For those who have watched all of it, what did you think?
Was the story well told? Would you watch a Season 2 if they made one?

Lastly, did anyone else think that John Sugar (played by Colin Farrell)
had a distinct resemblance to Dan Hedaya, perhaps best known for
playing Carla's ex in Cheers?


Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 May 24 * Sugar - What did you think?3Rhino
19 May 24 +- Re: Sugar - What did you think?1Rhino
19 May 24 `- Re: Sugar - What did you think?1Rhino

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