Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 18. May 2024, 03:51:34
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 15 May 2024 22:53:14 -0700
The Horny Goat <> wrote:

On Tue, 14 May 2024 09:22:35 -0400, Rhino
<> wrote:
Every single MP from the Liberal Party of Canada needs to lose their
seat at the next election, no exceptions. Not one of them will be
missed. Ditto for the federal NDP.   
Wow! So you're looking for a clean sweep? Not "merely" dropping from
168 to 2 seats in Parliament? (For those not up on Canadian politics
168 was the number of seats the Conservative party won in 1988, 2 was
what they won in 1993)
Not to disrespect the recently departed - but I totally lost respect
for Brian Mulroney when he told his successor that "even the
Communists in Poland won more than 2 seats...." since my immediate
thought was "Gee Brian do you think she was running on her record -
which was 2-3 months at most - or HIS record - 9 years)
That said, that crush was unduly harsh as Canadian adaptation of the
European style Goods + Services tax was an essential step towards
revitalizing Canadian exports in the 1980s which at the time it was
passed was starting to tank impressively. I have been mostly surprised
that the United States has not adopted something similar.

I don't really EXPECT either the Liberals or NDP to be wiped out in the
next election but I'd sure love to see it. But given that until
recently ALL the Toronto seats were Liberal and Toronto voters just
elected Olivia Chow as their mayor, I don't think they've learned their
lesson yet and will probably elect some Liberals at the next election.

What do you think will happen in the BC election? I'm not even sure
when it's happening, just that it will be relatively soon. Are people
sufficiently disgusted with Eby to turf the NDP? Typically, NDP
governments get two consecutive terms before you put the other guys
back in but I don't know where public opinion is in BC this year.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 May 24 * [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail3Rhino
18 May 24 `* Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail2Rhino
19 May 24  `- Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail1Rhino

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