Re: Billionaires Say There'll Be A CIVIL WAR If They Don't Get Trump's Big Tax Cut

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Sujet : Re: Billionaires Say There'll Be A CIVIL WAR If They Don't Get Trump's Big Tax Cut
De : nospam (at) *nospam* (D)
Groupes : alt.atheism
Date : 18. May 2024, 22:14:35
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References : 1 2
On Sat, 18 May 2024, BTR1701 wrote:

In article <v2aqpr$2t982$>,
The Corp <> wrote:
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has raised concerns about the future of the
United States, saying the current political climate has created a one-in-
three chance for civil war.
In an interview with The Financial Times this week, Mr Dalio described how
the polarization of American politics has contributed to an extremely
turbulen time in history.
"We are now on the brink," Mr Dalio told the news outlet, adding that he
sees a 35 to 40% probability of a second civil war.
He clarified that the civil war he sees is not one where people "grab
guns and start shooting" but one where people stop seeing the middle ground
in politics. But he imagines, "People move to different states that are
more aligned with what they want and they don't follow the decisions of
federal authorities of the opposite political persuasion," Mr Dalio said.
Oh, you mean like 'sanctuary cities'?
Studies have shown that Americans are growing more politically polarized
now than ever before. A Pew Research Poll found that only 32% of
Americans have a roughly equal number of conservative and liberal positions
-- compared to 49% in 2004.
Contentious election cycles are becoming more common, which contributes to
the growing rift between both political parties.
Social media has made it easy for like-minded extremists to connect and
support each other which emboldens people to take radical action. Like
those who organized protests and eventually stormed the Capitol on January
6, 2021.
Notice how this author only uses examples of Republican violence.
No mention whatsoever of an entire summer full of cities on fire,
businesses smashed and looted, people killed. Leftists taking over
entire sections of a city, declaring it off limits to police, fire, and
EMS, patrolling it with "assault rifles" (which are supposedly anathema
to the left), then committing all manner of crime inside its boundaries,
to include rape and murder. And all with the tacit (and often overt)
approval of leftist government officials, news media, and celebrities.
But the media is objective and unbiased. Just ask them, they'll tell you
Note that FT is a european newspaper, hence it is very common with the Trump is satan narrative.
I think the only "right" country in europe is probably switzerland and a few countries in eastern europe. In those countries newspapers you will read about what faults of the democrats.
As for the prediction I don't think it is unfeasible that there will be bigger moves to more freedom-oriented states. If any of those states will then choose to disregard the central government, it will become very interesting to see what will happen.
I very much doubt they will send military men against their own, that will only makes things worse.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 May 24 * Re: Billionaires Say There'll Be A CIVIL WAR If They Don't Get Trump's Big Tax Cut2BTR1701
18 May 24 `- Re: Billionaires Say There'll Be A CIVIL WAR If They Don't Get Trump's Big Tax Cut1D

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